results week 2!!

rachaelaldora Posts: 99 Member
Another week has flown by already! Its going so fast!!

here's my personal stats so far! id love to see yours

sw 201
week1 197
week2 192.5
-4.5 lbs =D

I did okay on my challenge, i ate more than 2 squares of chocolate but i don't feel guilty. it was organic dark chocolate
however this week ill stick to it

new goals

garbage- no chocolate at all
move- as much as i can safely with an injured leg and to take three days off working out or ill get seriously hurt
inspire- pictures of my own personal journey so you can see it is possible.


  • sweetcheeks1978
    Howdy Peeps

    I had a great week, even with TOM hanging round, I managed to get in 90% of my workout (normally dont get any done during that time), I drank more water than I normally do and ate really well.

    Sadly though, I gained 5lbs!! Not really sure why that is as I ate better than I normally do and also got in my workouts...just putting it down to one of those things and not gonna make excuses! Gonna continue eating right and exercising and hope it'll figure itself out.

    Goals for next week is still gonna be stay away from it
    Focus more on my measurements
    Quote: I can do ANYTHING I put my mind too

    Hope you guys have had a fabulous week last's the a even better week this week
  • His_Buttercup2015
    His_Buttercup2015 Posts: 114 Member
    Last week: 204
    This week: 199.5
    Total lost: 4.5lbs
    Although its a great loss for the week I'm a bit disheartened because I was actually down more but gained it back over the weekend. BUT I can happily say I made it under the 200 mark which always makes me smile :)

    Garbage: This week I'm not focusing on a single food item but more on weekend junk consumption. (seriously I WAS at 196.5!) All I do over the week doesn't mean as much if I don't carry it over through the weekend.
    Move: I did fairly well with the bike over the week, so we're going to.stick with it. Friday and Saturday I missed out on but went 30 minutes Sunday to try and get back on track. If this weather would cooperate I might consider starting to run....

    " You see people who have been very heavy in their life who have taken that body, trimmed it down, firmed it up through discipline, exercise and being able to say no. Eating properly, that all comes into it." ~Mike Ditka
  • JTS_go
    JTS_go Posts: 65 Member
    I'm up .4 this week, but I'm not too worried. I weighed later than usual this morning, after a lot of coffee, because I had to stay home and milk and thus got to work late. I feel like I'm sort of in flux in my training. My stair climbing program will finish in three weeks. Today I'm tasked with climbing 50 floors. Friday I did 35 in 15 minutes, which I think is pretty awesome.

    I've been reading NROLFW, and I think that's going to be my next effort. I really want to improve my strength. I've order NROL for Life (for people over 40, like me and my wife), and I understand the exercise program is pretty different than the FW one. Anyway, the book is really big on not cutting too many calories. I bought a protein supplement, as recommended, and forgot to look to see if it has sugar in it first. Id does have fructose. I used it in a smoothie on Sunday, and wow did it taste sweet to me.

    Anyway, this evening I'm going to go buy some weights off a guy -- the Olympic bar kind (wow), and I'm going to start real strength training.

    My pants are still super loose. I can feel my waist getting smaller. I'll check in with my measurements again later this week. I still can't find my freaking tape measure. I used a length of baling twine and my steel measuring tape last time.
  • mandeeluvsme
    I stood away from butter croissants & french fries. I was in Wendy's this weekend but I didn't budge. All i did was think this is part of my garbage list.
    1stW: 143
    2ndW: 139.5

    Garbage: Butter Croissants, French Fries, & Peanut Butter
    Move: Walk 10 blocks extra, Play handball twice this week, Zumba, & 1 core class.
    Inspiration: My boyfriend says he already sees me loosing weight.
  • celopez5
    celopez5 Posts: 6 Member
    LWW: 203
    CW: 198

    Down : 5Lbs

    I didn't exercise all 7 days, i skipped saturday, and saturday was a fat day as well. so i will try it again... But i can't complain to much, i finaly made it BACK to "ONE"derland after all these year, and i am NEVER going back.

    Move: Try to exercise 7 days a week (2 live classes of zumba, 1 night of bowling, 4 nights of dvd zumba)
    Garbage: No fat day this week (Will Kept inside my calore intake)
    Inspiration: Believe where others doubt. Work where others refuse. Save where others waste. Stay where others quit and you will win where others lose. ~ Dolvett Quince.
  • vogelsan
    vogelsan Posts: 4
    SW: 167
    FW: joined late
    SW: 166

    I could have done a lot better this week. I had TOM and a very bad cold. I ended up losing my voice and with such a dry throat, I did very little exercise. I didnt eat cake or cookies. I did eat other stuff, but at least I stayed away from those.

    Move: my pedometer and I will get at least 10,000 steps a day
    Garbage: only eat what I bring to work, no extras
    Inspiration: Something my husband taught me about life: to make it a habit, you have to do it for at least 28 days/times.
  • mamashel
    mamashel Posts: 17 Member
    I had a slight gain of 0.6 this past week. My husband lost his job last week and this put me into a tailspin. No desire to exercise. No appetite. No sleep. What I did eat was not planned.

    This is a new week. Fresh outlook. Still not much of an appetite, but will make better choices.

    Setting goals the same as last week to try and get 5 days of exercise.
  • Jessicamurray1986
    Jessicamurray1986 Posts: 39 Member
    I completely missed last weeks weigh in! Last week I was stuck at 236 and didn't budge. Throughout this past week though, it's been coming off much quicker!!

    4/8 W1-236
    4/15 W2-230

    6 lbs this week! Thank goodness the plateau was only temporary!! :D

    Garbage-NO fast food! (subway is the only exception here) I'm going to stick to my healthier eating plan, and really try to watch the sodium!

    Move- Exercising at least 5 days this week (if not 6)

    Inspiration- Getting my husband to work out with me! He finally agreed to come with, and I always work out harder when I feel like someone is watching!
  • Bubblevixen
    Bubblevixen Posts: 78 Member
    01/04/13 - 184.2 lbs
    07/04/13 - 181.8lbs
    15/04/13 - 179.0lbs

    Awesome stuff! After a mild panic this morning because my scales said i put weight partner weighed himself and He was heavier than he usually is too. Decided to weigh at work because the scales there have been spot on for me each time when i weighed in. Sooo it all worked out in the end :D

    2.8lb loss... That'll do for me :)
  • mommy_hood
    mommy_hood Posts: 100 Member
    Last Week- 232.0
    This Week- 232.8

    Throughout the week I saw the scale go as low as 231 but TOM is right around the corner and this morning I weighed 232.8 so a technical gain :(

    I did not do well this week I was sick the first half but I will do better next week...

    I ate fast food twice once was oatmeal from McDonald's because I got stuck out doing errands and got hungry and the second time was my husband brought home fast food for him and the kids and I ate half a cheeseburger.... it was so tempting...

    I tried to start 30 day shred while sick and have not attempted it again... not sure I have the endurance for that just yet and feel it is too high impact at points for me :( But I will get there!!!

    This week goals-

    Garbage- try and stay under my sodium this week at least 5 days this week...
    Move- work out twice a day 3 days a week

    “Don't compare yourself to other people. It won't help. You'll only find what you expect to find. If you think you're weak, everyone else will seem stronger.
  • aarroyo0529
    aarroyo0529 Posts: 46 Member
    :( 170lbs 1/2 a pound gained
  • regosaki
    regosaki Posts: 265 Member
    OK So I was a little bit worried about week 2 as my exercise plan went bit by the way side, but, I plucked up the courage and weighed myself this morning....

    Last week I failed in my movement goal AND I ate 1 slice of brown bread (this week I shall do better)

    Week 1 = 109.6
    Week 2 = 106.7 WOO HOO!!! 2.9kg lost

    I'm going to have a rest week more often!

    This week

    Garbage food is still ANY BAKED PRODUCT....Bread, cakes, biscuits etc (Soooooo hard living in France and NOT eating this stuff...)

    My Movement goal is to UP my yoga schedule and walk 25 km this week

    And my motivational quote this week is another Eastern gem from Lao Tzu when he very simply say's..."When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be."
  • rachaelaldora
    rachaelaldora Posts: 99 Member
    AWESOME WORK! every one keep it up

    For those who have gained due to emotional things- the fact is youre still pushing through the rough time. That in itself is a massive accomplishment so keep it up. Keep trying every day to get a routine back

    for the ladies with tom visiting or about to
    the best advice i could give that works personally is
    drink a crap load of water
    if you keep drinking water Your body wont retain it
    When im near tom i drink over 5 liters a day!
    I usually gain 5 pounds on tom
    drank my weight in water and i kept loosing! :)
  • pfunk25
    pfunk25 Posts: 6 Member
    I am new here! My name is Kim! I'd like to try and lose that 30 :) So for my week one i'm at 187! Excited to start this process!! Add me!
  • jessicamrsneed
    jessicamrsneed Posts: 15 Member
    I am new. I seen your group and I will love to join! I want to lost 30 by July :). My starting weight is 184.2. Feel free to add me. Very excited!
  • mommy_hood
    mommy_hood Posts: 100 Member
    Had to come back and just announce I rehit 231 :) So glad to not have to report that gain anymore !!
  • Renibee
    Renibee Posts: 55 Member
    CW: 224.2lbs (a 1.2lbs weight loss this week)

    Garbage: Remains the same, no bread, pastries etc. no flour
    Aim: Continue working out 6 to 7 days a week.
    Aspiration: Anything is possible, if you just believe...
  • tsiller70
    Okay, sorry I'm always late posting.

    SW 212
    WK 1 - 212
    WK 2 - 210
  • JenniferLynx
    JenniferLynx Posts: 8 Member
    SW 225.5
    WK 2: 220.75

    Loss -4.75lbs