Best part of diving....

1ocean1girl Posts: 197 Member
For me the best part of diving is the silence; except for hearing your bubbles. It's the best relaxation. You can completely let go of everything above water and just enjoy life under the sea :happy: If I had unlimited air supply there are times that I'd never surface :wink: What's your favorite part?


  • Scott2ndGradeTeacher
    Scott2ndGradeTeacher Posts: 147 Member
    I agree...bubbles rule. It's a nice escape from the real world.
  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    The overall relaxation. It's also awesome to be in an "alien world" seeing something that not everyone gets to see.
    It's funny how so many people want to see my pictures and videos, but most of them don't want to see it by actually diving.
    Just did a day trip to Ginnie Springs, FL yesterday. Great way to start off the dive season.
  • 1ocean1girl
    1ocean1girl Posts: 197 Member
    That's so true; I get caught up in exploring and enjoying life underwater. I live in Az so its hard to get away but when I do its that much more fun!!
  • StefanieJo13point1goal
    I totally agree with you 1ocean1girl!!! :smile: I live in Oklahoma and it is so hard to get away! All we have around here are lakes and I have pretty much have had my share of lake diving! :grumble: I really want to go out and explore new worlds under the sea!! We are wanting to go to Cozumel/Cancun and explore that area before we go too international! :bigsmile:

    The best part to me about scuba diving is the absolute serenity of the waters and the creatures that live there! I am a Pisces so you know that I absolutely love being in the water!! :wink:
  • IHateThinkingOfAUsername
    I think the very best part of diving is seeing things that you would never normally see. We've just got back from diving in the North Sea, which living on the east coast of England you assume is a bleak cold place, but the reality is even the North Sea has prettiness in it. We saw crabs, lobster, various fish including a wrasse, and of course seals, but the thing that amazed me was how pretty the rock wall was with coral. Never would have thought that brown manky water at the seaside could be hiding something so beautiful. Underwater is the best place to be.