Expecting too much?

gr8xpectationz Posts: 161 Member
So I've been doing mostly okay, slogging through and generally staying under my allotted calories. I've been methodical about tracking food and avoiding processed carbs. And I seem to be losing about one pound a week.

But already growing a little weary and my energy is kind of low.. I read posts by people who are so excited about their progress, and people who have learned to really enjoy working out.

I'm doing the work. Am I expecting too much if I really want to "love it" along the way?


  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    No, I don't think so. What are you doing to work out? Is it something you enjoy, or something you have to force yourself to do because "it's good for you"? I used to force myself to do exercise DVDs and hated it, but then I said screw this and joined a kickboxing class and a pole dancing class and now I enjoy working out.

    Same with food. Are you forcing yourself to eat foods that are healthy for you but don't taste good to you? I would scour the food board here and healthy food blogs for some good recipes that will meet your goals but you'll enjoy eating.

    Bottom line, if you have to force yourself into this lifestyle and you don't enjoy it, you're more likely to give it up.
  • CharRicho
    CharRicho Posts: 389 Member
    I found that is what was happening to me when I was trying to go to the gym 3 times a week. I just didn't enjoy it, and it made me tired and worn-out.

    I'm now doing mostly Zumba and Yoga, both of which I love, and because I am training for a race I'm also running a bit. I also walk every day, and although sometimes I feel worn down and don't want to go out, I always feel better after a walk, especially if I go somewhere new, or to the woods/wilderness/parks somewhere.

    Point is, you need to find the active thing that motivates you and refreshes you. Not the thing that tires you out and makes you miserable and not want to do it.

    That being said, I've been through a couple of periods since I started in January where my energy and mood were lower. I have done "take it easy" weeks, where all I really did was walk, and maybe a yoga class. You will find that happens and its okay to listen to your body and take it easy for a few days, as long as you get back to when you're rested.