Just diagnosed

mentalist76 Posts: 4 Member
Hi All

I've been having problems with tummy pain and had a scan recently. Good news is the pain turned out to be nothing more than biliary collic which I have been controlling with diet. However when I had the scan they diagnosed an "extremely fatty liver". I don't really know what this means or what I'm supposed to to about it. I know I need to stop eating fats and reduce my protein intake but as I'm diabetic I also can't eat sugar and have to control my carbs so I'm at a loss as to what I can eat.

I'm tracking my intake on here but am struggling to eat enough calories to reach my target since I'll I can eat is vegetables......

Any advice would be greatly appreciated as it could be months before I get to see a dietician on the NHS here in the UK.



  • shananigans_007
    A few months back I was having upper right quadrant pain which was thought to be my gallbladder. Turns out I have a mild case of NA Fatty Infiltration of the Liver.

    Has your doctor provided you with much information on the type of foods that you can eat? I know my doctor has been less than helpful with this so I've had to do the research on my own.

    Whole grains, brown rice, legumes, nuts and seeds, low-fat seafood and proteins (other than red-meat) are very helpful. I've found that it's good to avoid animal fats, too much dairy.

    I've had to do a lot of research on my own so I hope this helps you. Best wishes to you!
  • jlm1964
    jlm1964 Posts: 1 Member
    My Dr. said that Fatty liver is affected by what you eat, not what you weigh. Even skinny people can get fatty liver. He recommended a low carb, moderate protein diet. It is the carbs that make the fatty liver worse, healthy fats in the diet are ok. I did see a dietitian and she recommended MFP. So I can't say that I am really following the low carb, moderate protein diet. But I am restricting calories and have changed my eating habits a lot, hoping that it is enough. The Dr. also said not to lose more than 1 or 2 pounds a week, or it can make the fatty liver worse.
  • notabrat1
    notabrat1 Posts: 60 Member
    I also didn't get any information about what to eat or not to eat from my Dr. (USA), and I am a nurse and didn't know.:grumble: I had to look it up on the internet and read a lot of books on my own (library):noway: . I hope that you find/get the answers you are looking for:smile: . And at least you will get to see a nutritionists. Good luck to you!! :flowerforyou:
  • abd49
    abd49 Posts: 1
    i was also just diagnosed with a fatty liver but I also have high blood pressure. The only advise I was given by the doctor was lose weight and it will take care of both problems. Nothing more. I am eating mainly raw vegetables and grilled chicken, low fat and low carb meals. I am slowly losing the weight but I am struggling with the blah meals. Running out of ideas. Although I have started taking a liquid vitamin (Stress B) for the last three weeks and I can tell it has been helping me with digestion and other issues I was having. I've been trying to lose weight for the last five years and now I really am forced to change my eating habits.
  • tschram12
    tschram12 Posts: 28 Member
    I was dx a year ago with Nash stage 2 via a biopsy.. My dr didnt seem to be to concerned told me to lose weight and that was about it. I chose to ignore it for whatever reason. Now I am back to having problems again. I have done alot of research. I have removed anything processed from my diet, removed sugar except natural sugar found in fruits. I am doing a combination of Paleo and SCD diet. It is not easy at first, but I am starting to feel better. This is week 3 for me, but it is a life style change. It is not about losing the weight for me this time, it is about trying to halt the disease process. I am hoping when I go back to the Dr. my numbers have improved. Good luck to all.