Topic #2: Food Inc.

After viewing Food Inc. in class, what is your feeling about the foods you currently eat? Do you feel that the issues with food are a government problem, or a personal choice problem?


  • my feelings don't change, ill still eat the food. I think the issue with food is a personal choice problem.
  • I feel weird about what I eat now because I don't really know what I am eating. I also think it is a government problem because they are making it so that it is hard buy healthy food. Healthy food is more exspensive than junk food. I think the government should do something about it. If they want Americans to be healthy then they need to lower prices so that healthy food is affordable, and for Americans can feel better and healthier about themselfs.
  • I am still going to eat the same foods. I think the food should be naturally grown though.I think the governments issues with food is a problem. its not personal because everyone can't afford the organtic foods.
  • I have learned that it is harder to eat healthier since almost all the food isn't healthy. This is a government problem because they are allowing us to eat stuff that instead of making us healthy it's making us feel worse. If the government didn't do anything the company is going to control the entire food industry and then they might be able to control the government.
  • After watching the movie, I want to learn more about from where my food is coming from. I think it's a government problem because not everyone can afford to eat organic food.
  • after watching the movie, ill still eat the same food, but ill probably think twice before I eat something unhealthy and go for something fresh and grown locally. I think its a government problem because no one is stopping what is happening, but I also think if you continue to eat the food its a personal choice problem.
  • The movie really didn't change any of my feelings. Sure its good facts to know but some people really don't care. AI kind of don't I just eat. Everyone has there own opinion on this. Its more of a personal issue because as I said some people care and others don't.
  • After watching that video in class, I am mind blown. Makes me never want to eat any time of meat again. But, yeah it makes me think twice before I eat something. It is the government fault, they are allowing this to happen. Allowing us to eat such unhealthy foods, aren't doing nothing to prevent this from happening.
  • After watching that video I still eat what i usually eat. Also the issue with food should be a government problem because people are getting hurt from eating these foods that are being produced poorly.
  • My feelings towards what I eat isn't going to change, I'm still going to eat the foods I normally eat. And I think this is a government problem, they are always talking about how we need to eat healthier anf use less chemicals, but yet here they are putting chemicals in pretty much everything we eat.
  • I don't really feel different about the food I eat, I'm still going to eat it. It's a governmental issue; The government shouldn't allow all the bad things that go on with our food to happen.
  • I dont really care, i still eat the same food, I think the promblem is personal because we are the ones making the choice to eat the food.
  • i believe that it is wrong how most companys dont tell us what is their food product, but i do understand that everyone has a job and its just their job not blaming the farmers but the goverment. my feels will change and the video will help me in my desisions in what i buy at the market.
  • the movie didnt change any ofmi feelings for food ...i still eat the same food and nothing happens to me so im ok with that
  • langysd
    langysd Posts: 3
    My views on the food i eat hasnt changed. Yea, its gross but everything is made like that so there isnt much option when buying food.