Hi, I'm new to the Boards - introducing myself :)

blossom696 Posts: 8 Member

I'm a PCOS lady with a mission! After years of battling the wrong way, a month ago I finally joined the gym. I was doing great until today & I realized I needed to reach out further & find support with others that know this battle all too well.

My basics: I was a 20 yr old 5'4", 105 lb active young lady when I woke up in the middle of the night with what I found out later to be a ruptured ovarian cyst. 12 hours later & panting with pain as awful as labor (yes, really), I ended up having emergency surgery on a ruptured cyst the size of a large grapefruit. It took 10 years for the doctors to tell me "you might have discomfort each month due to the fact that you could be a cystic woman". Right around that time I began having trouble losing the babyweight that all my friends were melting off with our walks... and I was staying the same! It took 5 years for the doctors to give me the right series of tests. I fought hard, cried at night out of frustration & kept saying "I'm NOT LAZY! I am not crazy! something inside my body is broken! Something isn't working right!". The doctors would tell me my thyroid is fine, my sugars are all good, I just need to eat better & do more. 6 years ago, I finally found an endo & begged to retake all labs again. Immediately I began my 2000 mg of Glucophage a night & felt a difference. 30 lbs came off in about 6 months. It wasn't nearly what I needed to take off, but I knew for sure - I was right, my body was the issue, not my laziness.
Now I am not getting any weighloss from Glucophage and stress has ballooned me up well beyond where I can live a healthy life. I just woke up one more about a month ago and said "I can't stand this & I don't want to die young from health issues!" I got up and went to a gym and joined! I walk on the treadmill, I ride the bike... AND I GO TWICE A DAY. I only see weightloss when I go 2 times a day. I have zero metabolism. I know I have adjustments to make & things to add to my workout routine. I have cut out many white carbs & fatty crap, but I have to make an appt with a nutritionist to get a more personalized meal plan I can live with.
MFP is a fantastic app. It really shows me where I am screwing up & were I am progressing at a good pace.

Today was a hard day. I had been sick for 3 days and didn't hit the gym. I ate the same... at about 5 meals a day at approx 1300 calorie intake. I GAINED 5 pounds on the scale this morning from last week's weigh in (NOT water weight!). I nearly broke down at the gym on the scale. Instead, I decided to come home, join some groups, shake off the bad stuff & keep moving forward. I hope I find a few good eggs here that "get it" ... I need to support & I am more than will to give it back ten-fold!

:) Kimi

(I'm posting this in a few groups to introduce myself - so if you see it in another group, your not going crazy. LOL)


  • KellyLouise35
    Hi Kimi,

    It sounds like you went through a horrible experience. I think all of us have been messed around by the doctors.

    This is why I created the group so people can do this, share your experience get it off your chest.

    I am willing to provide you with any support you need (you are welcome to add me as a friend)

    It sounds like you have a great plan anyway! All that fitness! I can see you have already lost a stone so that is great work!

    I always remember being told it is easier to gain then to lose so patients and company for bad days is what we need.

    I hope you find the support here and I wish you all the best with your weight lose journey!

    Kelly :)