Anthem Tour Goals

Annalisa419 Posts: 64 Member
I knew someone would start a Hanson group eventually (thanks Rachel)! What are your goals for the upcoming tour? The last tour was actually my motivation for losing the first 30 pounds (which I've probably gained back half of, unfortunately) so I figure it's time to jump on the wagon. Luckily for me, they don't hit the Pacific Northwest until end of September so I should have enough time to make some good progress. I'll be happy if I can drop another 20 pounds by then. Does anyone have a favorite workout? I'm trying to do C25K but my favorite is hot yoga. I think I'm definitely going to invest in it again and stop making excuses on how I can't fit it into my work schedule!


  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    I downloaded an app on my phone that's all at-home exercises. It's great because it's like a class - they tell you what exercise to do and show you how to do it. I can choose if I want to target an area, what kind of exercise I want to do, be it strength or cardio or whatever, and I can choose the length of time I want to work out. And it's free with the option of an upgraded more customizable pay option. I can't really ask for anything more right now.

    My goals for the tour? Drop the 15 pounds I've gained back from my lowest weight on MFP.
  • Annalisa419
    Annalisa419 Posts: 64 Member
    Well, I'm probably in the same boat since I don't know how much I've gained back. So twenty pounds is probably only five away from what my lowest weight was on MFP. I told myself I wouldn't weight in until after my birthday so we'll see the ugly truth come Saturday.
  • moela2003
    moela2003 Posts: 3
    Well, I'm gonna be seeing them at the end of August in Minnesota and Iowa, which is 11 weeks away. Crap, that means, if I do actually keep to losing 1.5 lbs per week, I could be down 15 or 16 lbs by then. So I guess that means I just made my new goal - lose 15 lbs by August 26th.

    I will say though, that I did great up until I went to Jamaica for BTTI in January. When I came back, I was fully off the bandwagon and ended up gaining back about 13 lbs in the 4 months following that. I got on the scale after getting back from Hanson Day weekend in Tulsa and realized that I had gained back as much as I did, and got back to business. Managed to get that 13 lbs back off in the past month! I'm not gonna count on making that much progress that quickly from here on out though. I'm already at my smallest adult weight, and about a clothing size smaller than I was when I graduated high school 10 years ago, so I anticipate it getting more difficult quickly!