How to log Sculpt and Tone classes in MFP?

tara9blur Posts: 41 Member
I'm new to MFP and I'm in week 6 of TurboFire. I am trying to figure out how to log the different TF workouts in MFP. I log all the Fire and HIIT classes as TurboJam (Kickboxing), and the Stretch 40 as yoga. But how do I log the Sculpt and Tone classes? Do I need to sit and watch the classes to count the reps & sets of each exercise, and log them all separately as weight lifting? Seems like a lot of work... Any tips would be most welcome!


  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Before I got an HRM I used this website to get an estimate calorie count for Turbo Fire workouts.
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    i suggest you get a HRM. They are extremely helpful in this situation. You can also create new exercise and label them as you like.
  • tara9blur
    tara9blur Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks for the advice! Which HRM do you guys use? I've seen good feedback on the Body Media one, but are there cheaper ones on the market that don't require a monthly subscription? I use a fitbit right now, but I know it's not an HRM and isn't nearly as accurate with calorie burns for workouts...
  • tara9blur
    tara9blur Posts: 41 Member
    Dym, thanks so much for that website - so helpful!
  • KKWilson
    KKWilson Posts: 68 Member
    A couple months ago I bought the Polar Tech FT7 (with chest strap) and I love it!
  • tara9blur
    tara9blur Posts: 41 Member
    @KK, do you wear the HRM all day, or just during workouts?
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Dym, thanks so much for that website - so helpful!

    You're welcome. BTW I wear a Polar RS100, it's also a strap. I got it initially to track my calories more accurately, but I like how it lets me know when I'm not pushing hard enough when it starts beeping below my target heart rate. I thought about getting a Body Media, but I didn't like the idea of paying for the subscription service. You can also check out Fit Bit.
  • tara9blur
    tara9blur Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks Dym! I just got a fit bit a few days ago... I am a bit confused about how and if to log exercise on MFP when the fitbitfitbit is sending calories burned info to MFP. I don't want to double count.! I assume since I log the start time for all exercise, MFP knows not to double count?
  • KKWilson
    KKWilson Posts: 68 Member
    @KK, do you wear the HRM all day, or just during workouts?

    I just wear it during workouts, but you could definitely wear it all day. The strap goes right under your bra strap so I don't even feel it. :)