Today - 4/18/2013

Check in with us today. Lets focus on today and do this one day at a time...

1. How are you eating today? (Good, Well, Not Enough, Poor, etc...)

2. What is your Mood today?

3. What was\is your exercise plan for today?


  • 1. How are you eating today? (Good, Well, Not Enough, Poor, etc...)
    --> I am eating good, but I feel like my food options are not that big. I feel like I am eating the same things all the time. I need ideas on what to snack on.

    2. What is your Mood today?
    --> Great mood, I worked out this morning so it really set my mood for the day.

    3. What was\is your exercise plan for today?
    --> I worked out this morning, did P90x, Day 5 which was Back and Arms. When I get home I am doing a 4 mile run, I can't wait!
  • sgouti1
    sgouti1 Posts: 98 Member
    Check in with us today. Lets focus on today and do this one day at a time...

    1. How are you eating today? (Good, Well, Not Enough, Poor, etc...)
    Good - I kind of use MFP more like a meal planner than a log. I have 75 calories left for today before working out.

    2. What is your Mood today?
    HAPPY :)

    3. What was\is your exercise plan for today?
    We're going out tonight, so I plan to go to the gym by 6:30 and get in an hour of cardio (probably elliptical), I know working out is going to give me extra calories, but my plan is to not waste it all on booze tonight. I might have ONE drink to be social, but I may just stick with water. People might start rumors when they see me drinking only water..haha
  • cmbartos170
    cmbartos170 Posts: 17 Member
    Check in with us today. Lets focus on today and do this one day at a time...

    1. How are you eating today? (Good, Well, Not Enough, Poor, etc...)
    started out poor with a donut at the office. Still feeling woozy from this week's stomach bug. Had a can of soup for lunch. Drinking lots of water

    2. What is your Mood today?
    Feeling tired and run down.
    3. What was\is your exercise plan for today?
    Hope to get down to the basement tonight after DS's gymnastics to use the elliptical for 10 minutes. Starting slow - I can do 10 minutes, right?
  • chocol8e
    chocol8e Posts: 13
    Hey everyone!

    I'm new to the group and My Fitness Pal Community in general.

    1. How are you eating today? (Good, Well, Not Enough, Poor, etc...)

    I am eating very well today all in the green except for protein.

    2. What is your Mood today?

    Excited feeling really optimistic that through this group I can amp up my accountability and support!

    3. What was\is your exercise plan for today?

    Going to do 30 mins on the treadmill tonight. Super sore from getting my *kitten* kicked yesterday at my gym.
  • Check in with us today. Lets focus on today and do this one day at a time...

    1. How are you eating today? (Good, Well, Not Enough, Poor, etc...)
    Good - I kind of use MFP more like a meal planner than a log. I have 75 calories left for today before working out.

    2. What is your Mood today?
    HAPPY :)

    3. What was\is your exercise plan for today?
    We're going out tonight, so I plan to go to the gym by 6:30 and get in an hour of cardio (probably elliptical), I know working out is going to give me extra calories, but my plan is to not waste it all on booze tonight. I might have ONE drink to be social, but I may just stick with water. People might start rumors when they see me drinking only water..haha

    lol, I don't think alcohol should be off limits when you work out and diet. I drink Sprite Zero and vodka, to reduce my calories. Im a beer drinker, but beer is absolutely off limits... :(
  • Check in with us today. Lets focus on today and do this one day at a time...

    1. How are you eating today? (Good, Well, Not Enough, Poor, etc...)
    started out poor with a donut at the office. Still feeling woozy from this week's stomach bug. Had a can of soup for lunch. Drinking lots of water

    2. What is your Mood today?
    Feeling tired and run down.
    3. What was\is your exercise plan for today?
    Hope to get down to the basement tonight after DS's gymnastics to use the elliptical for 10 minutes. Starting slow - I can do 10 minutes, right?

    Don't beat yourself up over the donuts, just set your mind that there will be no more sugar today. There are other alternatives to curbing the sweet tooth. Trust me, I love candy! Why don't you keep sugar free candies at your desk? They are not calorie free, but they are very low in calories and a better alternative to reach for when you think you are going in for the gold (donuts). I love werthers sugar free candies, and there is a cinnamon sugar free candy that Walgreens sells. I reach for those as an alternative, but the trick is having them with you when you get that that means purse, desk, car, etc.

    Tonight, don't give yourself an option to workout. Give yourself something to read or listen to during the 10 minutes so that when you work out you are not focused on time. You can do it, and you will feel accomplished after. It will set the precedence for tomorrow.
  • Em2je05
    Em2je05 Posts: 215 Member
    1. How are you eating today? (Good, Well, Not Enough, Poor, etc...)
    --> Today I am doing well. However, I feel like I am hungry, even after having a little snack. I also need to drink more water!

    2. What is your Mood today?
    --> Today I am optimistic. Now that I've joined this group, I feel like I can really hold myself accountable to weight in each week and write down everything that enters my mouth.

    3. What was\is your exercise plan for today?
    -->Well today at work I walked .5 miles and did a 1 mile walk to the "Walk Away The Pounds". I plan to go home tonight and do an insanity workout!
  • sgouti1
    sgouti1 Posts: 98 Member

    lol, I don't think alcohol should be off limits when you work out and diet. I drink Sprite Zero and vodka, to reduce my calories. Im a beer drinker, but beer is absolutely off limits... :(

    BIB = BEER IS BAD ..this will be my motto tonight! Thanks :)
  • Hey everyone!

    I'm new to the group and My Fitness Pal Community in general.

    1. How are you eating today? (Good, Well, Not Enough, Poor, etc...)

    I am eating very well today all in the green except for protein.

    2. What is your Mood today?

    Excited feeling really optimistic that through this group I can amp up my accountability and support!

    3. What was\is your exercise plan for today?

    Going to do 30 mins on the treadmill tonight. Super sore from getting my *kitten* kicked yesterday at my gym.

    Instead of 30 minutes, up your challenge to 35 or 40 minutes. You can do it, and you will feel better about what you achieved.
  • cmbartos170
    cmbartos170 Posts: 17 Member
    thanks! hmmm...maybe this group encouragement WILL help. :)
  • LowFatMama
    LowFatMama Posts: 625 Member
    1. How are you eating today? (Good, Well, Not Enough, Poor, etc...)
    I am eating good. I cook every nite & have been making myself pack a breakfast & lunch the night before so that I don't go to a fast food joint.

    2. What is your Mood today? Pretty good. A little tired since me & the hubs stayed up late watching movies & drinking wine. (too much wine) Ha!

    3. What was\is your exercise plan for today? I hope to get some Zumba in before my hubs gets off. Once he gets home I know I wont do it.
  • junkintrunk5
    junkintrunk5 Posts: 93 Member
    1) Today I started back eating my usual, very balanced diet that includes protein, veggies, fruit....and of course calorie counting

    2) My mood is fantastic as I'm a newlywed!!!!!......However, basking in love will only get me flabby, yuk!!

    3) My exercise plan in 30DS, until Sunday and then me and hubby are starting up P90X again (2nd cycle), along with my weigh in
    and measurements.

    I'm soooo pumped and ready to do this!!! Thanks for motivating me:)
  • 1. How are you eating today? (Good, Well, Not Enough, Poor, etc...)
    I am eating good. I cook every nite & have been making myself pack a breakfast & lunch the night before so that I don't go to a fast food joint.

    2. What is your Mood today? Pretty good. A little tired since me & the hubs stayed up late watching movies & drinking wine. (too much wine) Ha!

    3. What was\is your exercise plan for today? I hope to get some Zumba in before my hubs gets off. Once he gets home I know I wont do it.

    Yeah I had a couple double vodkas...I was a little fuzzy this morning at 3am, lol
  • cricketdc
    cricketdc Posts: 60 Member
    1. How are you eating today?
    :happy: I am eating great within my food allowance. I started calorie cycling yesterday since my weight loss for a month is not sufficient. Basically my average weekly in take should be 8400 avearge of 1200 per day. But there are 2 days when I eat more and the difference should make up the difference.

    2. What is your Mood today? 3. What was\is your exercise plan for today?

    :bigsmile: I am excited since I am planning my work out already. I started walking 2 miles 3 times a week or 400 meters x 8 around the track and field. Tonight I will increase is to 400 meters x 10.
  • Emily3456
    Emily3456 Posts: 42 Member
    Check in with us today. Lets focus on today and do this one day at a time...

    1. How are you eating today? (Good, Well, Not Enough, Poor, etc...) I'm eating pretty good! As long as my calories are in check I'm happy and I think I will definitely finish under today.

    2. What is your Mood today? Happy mood, but ready for the weekend!!!

    3. What was\is your exercise plan for today? I'm going to CrossFit at 6:30pm EST tonight... you will see me add my calories in a few hours!
  • nicolie81587
    nicolie81587 Posts: 75 Member
    1. How are you eating today? (Good, Well, Not Enough, Poor, etc...)

    2. What is your Mood today?
    I'd be happier if I wasn't at work and it hadn't been raining for 2 days, but everything else is good.

    3. What was\is your exercise plan for today?
    Day off of intense cardio, so I'll be doing 30DS and walking.
  • 1. How are you eating today?
    :happy: I am eating great within my food allowance. I started calorie cycling yesterday since my weight loss for a month is not sufficient. Basically my average weekly in take should be 8400 avearge of 1200 per day. But there are 2 days when I eat more and the difference should make up the difference.

    2. What is your Mood today? 3. What was\is your exercise plan for today?

    :bigsmile: I am excited since I am planning my work out already. I started walking 2 miles 3 times a week or 400 meters x 8 around the track and field. Tonight I will increase is to 400 meters x 10.

    Excellent! Be sure to post that in "your daily challenge 4/18/2013" post!
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    1. How are you eating today? (Good, Well, Not Enough, Poor, etc...)
    I am eating OK. not great; the day started out good with a banana for breakfast and chicken wraps for lunch; but this evening is 'movie night' for my work and they are treating us to pizza, popcorn and a private showing at a movie theatre so supper will be a bit of a bomb.

    2. What is your Mood today?
    Hopeful. I had a very informative doctor's appointment this morning, and last night... and I am feeling like I may be on my way back to being 'on track' in my life.

    3. What was\is your exercise plan for today?
    I am going to push myself to fit in a 15 minute powerwalk after the movie night my work is having. This is better than the 'nothing' I had planned before this group was formed, and will still allow me to get to bed at a decent time. :)
  • Fit_Fox88
    Fit_Fox88 Posts: 410 Member

    1. How are you eating today? Really well. And dinner will be on track, too!

    2. What is your Mood today? Eh... having a hard time getting into anything. Very blah.

    3. What was\is your exercise plan for today? Hittin the gym after work for at least 15 min cardio/15 min weights. I'm gonna do it because I looooooove the sauna after my workout ;-) I'm not gonna lie, sometimes its the only thing that gets me to the gym.. love, love, love it!
  • Fit_Fox88
    Fit_Fox88 Posts: 410 Member
    I definitely did not mean to quote that... HAHA