Our First Challenge - Results 4/18/2013



  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    I did my challenge yesterday; even though the whole way home I was telling myself "Its late, you have to get up early... it is ok to skip it" I ignored that voice, parked my car and hopped out ona big hill. Power walked up that B!tch and back down the other side - 15 minute pre-bed walk, COMPLETE!
    ...are we doing personal challenges again today? I am already trying to think of what to do LOL

    LOL! This makes me so happy!!!! Great Job.. and yes I have an idea for the challenges...I am going to create a new post!!!

    great, and thank you! This group already has me feeling inspired! :)
  • nicolie81587
    nicolie81587 Posts: 75 Member
    I did my hour of walking and a session of 30 Day Shred as planned.
  • LowFatMama
    LowFatMama Posts: 625 Member
    Yesterday 04/18/2013- I did get 20 minutes of zumba in... was shooting for zumba & pilates, but didn't get the pilates in. Instead did jumping jacks.
  • rde8jr
    rde8jr Posts: 34
    I bombed as well my challenge was to Zumba last night no matter how tired I was after cutting lawn and I didn't. I did however meet the other half of my challenge by doing the stairs 3x's for 10 minutes each during the day. I got on the couch started watching the news and boom before you knew it 11:00.
  • tameekag
    tameekag Posts: 84 Member
    That ROCKS! Congratulations!
  • KathleenSweetie
    KathleenSweetie Posts: 136 Member
    I didn't set an exercise challenge for yesterday but ate healthy. I have met my challenge for today - purposely set out on a 30 minute walk.
  • TDABMama0617
    TDABMama0617 Posts: 29 Member
    I have been dieting/exercising the past two months but kinda fell off the wagon the past 2 weeks (skipping workouts, not making the best food choices). I'm back to my pre-splurging week weight and yesterday did a 30 minute interval workout AND played volleyball for about an hour! Yay! My challenge was to simply get back into feeling slim & strong and I am on my way to doing that. Now for today (Friday, April 19) I'm not sure yet what my challenge is.
  • Success!
    I ran my 5K in 33 minutes and 13 seconds.
    I was aiming for under 35...
    Feeling excited and inspired AND supported.
    Thank You!!!
  • Em2je05
    Em2je05 Posts: 215 Member
    I ran my 5K in 33 minutes and 13 seconds.
    I was aiming for under 35...
    Feeling excited and inspired AND supported.
    Thank You!!!

    awesome job!