Open Confession

sfgiants122 Posts: 13 Member
Over the last couple of weeks my relationship has been going downhill. I used that time to drink and binge eat in an effort to not deal with my feelings. It finally ended last night, and now I'm left by myself and feeling disgusting from all the fried food, alcohol, and lack of exercise. I have not treated my body well, and it was definitely not worth it.

I feel like I needed to share this to hold myself accountable and to renew my commitment to my health. Now that I see where I've ended up I'm ready to change it.

Whatever your weight loss challenges, stay strong everybody. If you've slipped up or haven't checked in in awhile, it's not too late to reach your July goal :)


  • Honeytips
    Honeytips Posts: 337 Member
    Aww, sending a huge virtual hug your way - hope you are okay.

    It's great to hear such words of inspiration - often when we're down we don't care about our bodies and just scuff any and everything - we need to break this mentality!! I'm currently on holidays and I admit I've been quite relaxed with my eating - so much so that I've already gained over 1kg in the past 7 days!! Just this morning I was thinking I need to stop doing this - just because I'm sitting around home doesn't mean I have to eat everything in sight!!! Back on track from today with my eating!!
  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    You've got this. The fact that you are able to recognize the issue will make it easier to get back on track.

    I have also been out of the loop with logging and working out....and I have consumed way too much alcohol and have not been able to eat.....I am realistic that until I get through the next couple of days that will likely not change, but I am not going to let my current situation derail me and wreck all the hard work I have done.

    We are all strong and capable of getting through what is thrown our is never too late to reach your goals.
  • bwnorton
    bwnorton Posts: 100 Member
    The toughest part of this lifestyle change is recognizing how we all got here in the first place. Like you, I had to come to terms with my eating. It gave me momentary comfort to eat. But the extra weight made it painful to exercise. And, my health could have easily been badly affected if I continued down that path.

    AlethaMary is right. You recognized the issue. And we're here to support you to help you stay on track. This is a journey. And, it will have bumps, dips and outright stops. But, it doesn't end. Keep the faith. You are stronger for it!
  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
    I have been struggling the past couple weeks too due to the high stress I have been under. Came back from a short vacation to a very sick dog, he required surgery to save his life, $900 later he's almost back to his regular self, then the 17 year old rear ends someone on her way to school the other day and tears the front end of the car up pretty good, at least she was ok and the car is still driveable, senior prom tomorrow night all the running around for hair appointments, pictures, etc then worrying about her all night, our 17 year old AC unit is on the fritz, we have family coming in soon for the oldests graduation, the youngest baseball & karate practices, the oldest travel ball season starting, stressing about money for college & where it's going to come from, my daughter moves into her dorm 300 miles away in August, just to name a few! LOL! Sometimes the old saying, when it rains it pours is sooo true, but I know I could be way worse off. When I talk to friends who have sick kids in the hospital, or are sick themselves, helps put things back into perspective for me, it's just sometimes life's daily pressure gets the best of us especially with my workouts. If I could just use that stress to fuel my motivation, instead I let it drag me down and I don't wanna do anything. My eating has still been pretty good, just HAVE TO get back on my workout routine!

    Hang in there everyone! We got this! :bigsmile: