
ralphy101 Posts: 9 Member
Due to health reasons ( Atrial fIb) I am staying away from the gym.

I have recently taking up swimming this week... swimming about 1 mile per session.

Is this going to build up my upperbody and cut the fat of my abs? ( I am not talking big gains )

I am 194 pounds and 6 feet. I am not overly fat, just carrying the odd pounds around my stomach.

I want to increase arm size and lost belly fat.

I am currently taking in around 130-180 protein a day. 200g to 250g of carbs a day. and always below my fat target.

Can anybody assist me?

Many thanks

Adam :)


  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Swimming is actually not a bad way to reach your desired goals. It can be a great workout and it can build some muscle!! Cutting fat from your abs is all about the diet. Keep protein high and reduce calories until the desired fat is lost.