Topic #3: Reaching your goals

Time to do a little research. In your first topic post, you shared a goal(s) that you would like to achieve with your health. I want you to research a diet and/or exercise program that would help you reach this goal. Once you find the website that you feel will work for you, I want you to cite this website in Noodle Tools and create an annotation. Once you create the citiation, copy and paste your findings in a reply to this topic. Good luck!


  • lundgrenhealth
    lundgrenhealth Posts: 20 Member
    Works Cited
    Crossfit: Forging Elite Fitness. Crossfit Inc., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2013. <>. is a website that offers motivation and inspiration to reach my goals. The workouts are different, which will keep me from getting bored with a fitness program. They are also very challenging, which helps me push myself to new goals.
    Whole 9 Life. Whole9, n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2013. <>. I came across this website, This website offered a bunch of good advice on how to eat healthier. MyFitnessPal lets me know how I am eating day to day and makes me aware of my choices. This website gave me tools to help me achieve my goals cleaner and better.
  • "Good nutrition goes back to school." Current Health Teens, a Weekly Reader
    publication Apr.-May 2012: 4. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 22
    Apr. 2013. This artucle is about how we should have more healthy foods in
    our schools. Not just lunch but also breakfest. Schools should have more
    vegi's, fruit, and less oils. I think this article is interesting.
  • "Have a healthy holiday." Current Health 2, a Weekly Reader publication Nov.
    2007: S4+. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 22 Apr. 2013. In this
    article, we learn about staying healthy during holidays. Normally, we eat a
    lot of food and don't stay active. During these times, it's important to
    keep being healthy in mind. There's ways to keep active with the family and
    eat healthy.
  • Lets Move. US Goverment, n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2013.
    <>. This website "Lets Move" was designed to
    help educate Americans about how Healthly eating and good Fitness affects
    your life. This website became very usful to me when I set my goal on My
    Fitness Pal. This site lays out tips on how to eat healthy and have a good
    amount of physical fitness. I use this website to inform myself about good
    nutrition in foods and the proper way to eat them. I also use this website
    to show me the proper amounts of my day I should use to improve on my
    physical fitness. This wesite has been a great assistance to my goal.
  • PizarroJ
    PizarroJ Posts: 3
    The Global Fitness Community. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2013. <>. provides good exercises from the single arm front shoulder raise to stretches like the chin to neck stretch. It helps you stretch out your muscles to be prepared for a workout and also provides workouts that can help out different muscles in your body...

    Healthy Recipes, Healthy Eating. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2013. <>. helps me reach my goal by showing recipes and different foods that have low calories or any other nutrient that your body needs.
  • "Staying Active Is Key to Losing Weight." How Should Obesity be Treated? Ed.
    Stefan Kiesbye. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2009. At Issue. Rpt. from "Lose
    Weight Through Exercise and Staying Active." Obesity Focused. 2008.
    Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 22 Apr. 2013 "Staying Active Is Key
    to Losing Weight" provides you with information about healthy eating and
    diet. It says that you need to stay active, and staying active is the key
    to losing weight. When most people think of staying active, they think
    about an intense workout at the gym every day. But, that is not the case.
    You can workout daily, but trying to do too much will leave you exhausted;
    then, people will result in stop going to the gym. So, start off lightly,
    and work your way up. This will help me with my goal of maintaining a 2,000 calories per day because I usually go over so I need to stay active so I can lose that extra weight that I gained after going over my calorie intake.
  • "Eating for exercise." Current Health 2, a Weekly Reader publication Mar. 1991:
    24+. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 22 Apr. 2013. There are manys
    ways that you can get fit and stay that way. Many programs can be done on
    your own such as walking, running or areobics. Doing these on a regular
    basic will improve your fitness Depending on the time you spend, the
    intensity and how often you do your work out your nutritional needs will
    vary with any fitness program. Protiens and fats are part of the basic
    nutritional needs for a balanced diet. Vitamins, water and millk are also
    good for active and inactive people to have daily.
  • "Good nutrition goes back to school." Current Health Teens, a Weekly Reader
    publication Apr.-May 2012: 4. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 22
    Apr. 2013. This article talks about the good and bad things about the food
    that everybody eats. Many people try to eat healthy but they dont know the
    right thing to eat they might eat oil but maybe not olive oil or canola
  • mjose951
    mjose951 Posts: 2
    Denny, Sharon. "Eat to compete." Current Health 2, a Weekly Reader publication
    May 1995: 24+. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 22 Apr. 2013. in this
    article it shows me a great way to eat healty for athleates. it explaines
    to me how to eat right and a great way to a healthy living.
  • "Snack attack." Junior Scholastic/Current Events 18 Mar. 2013: 4. Opposing
    Viewpoints In Context. Web. 22 Apr. 2013 Eating healthy snacks when i get
    the urge to eat will reduce calorie intake than in junk food. This will
    help me stay in the range of my calorie intake on a daily basis. Eating
    healthy snacks also helps practice eating healthier and smarter. Then when
    i exercise there will be less calories to burn.
  • "Snack attack." Junior Scholastic/Current Events 18 Mar. 2013: 4. Opposing
    Viewpoints In Context. Web. 22 Apr. 2013. The website "Snack attack" talks
    about how what foods are in and out. The author talks about how the foods
    with grain and more nutrience are in. The junk foods like fried corn chips,
    candy, snack cakes, ice cream, and soda are food that everyone needs to
    avoid. The format that he put it in reallyt caught my attention because in
    my view he put it in a fashion like veiw kind of. This artical shows me
    what to avoid and what to eat and i plan to follow what it says.
  • "Snack attack." Junior Scholastic/Current Events 18 Mar. 2013: 4. Opposing
    Viewpoints In Context. Web. 22 Apr. 2013. In this magaziine, the author is
    saying to chose healthy food over junk food. It's saying to eat more
    vetgtables and grains. The author says its alright to eat baked chips, low
    fat cheese, nuts, and bottled water. This will help me with my goal because i will start to eat the healthier things than the worst things. Baked chips instead of regular chips could make a change also.

    "Have a healthy holiday." Current Health 2, a Weekly Reader publication Nov.
    2007: S4+. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 22 Apr. 2013. This magazine
    is about the holidays and making good choices. During holdiays always make
    sure that you stay well excersied and try not to overeat. When your at the
    dinner tabel make sure you pick all the nutrients you need, not just your
    aunts amazing christmas cookies. This inspires me to reach my goal, because
    on the hollidays i usually eat way too much, now i will start to watch my
    eating habits and my exercise.
  • "Good nutrition goes back to school." Current Health Teens, a Weekly Reader
    publication Apr.-May 2012: 4. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 22
    Apr. 2013. This article helps me because it talks about the good things that come with eating healthy. My goal was to start eating healthier and this article helps me realize whats good to eat and whats bad to eat. This is going to help me to start eating healthy.
  • "Weight Loss Camps Teach Kids to Make Healthy Choices." Teen Residential
    Treatment Programs. Ed. Judeen Bartos. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2013. At
    Issue. Rpt. from "Camp Shane Opens New Weight Loss Camp in Georgia for
    Children & Teens." PRWeb. 2012. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 25
    Apr. 2013. This article will help teens to make a difference in their life
    choices. For example is camp that will help kids that are overweigth and
    need help loosing weight. Also it shows them how to eat healthy and how to
    exercise and be active.
  • "Making healthy choices -- without thinking." CNN Wire 18 Oct. 2012. Opposing
    Viewpoints In Context. Web. 22 Apr. 2013. This article is about making
    healthy choices and what can influence you to make those choices. Our
    choices are affected by our environment and people around us. Targeting
    your automatic behaviors and trying to correct them can be a good way to
    help make healthier choices. Our behavior is affected by our self concious
    thinking, which causes us to make unhealthy choices without thinking about