

  • caribcutie
    caribcutie Posts: 13 Member
    Hello: My plan started Sunday with a mental reset -- stop beating myself over past weight lost but gained back.

    Today, I added to my plan to increase my daily steps from 6000 to 10,000 by next Monday.

    My left knee has other plans but I shall convince it otherwise. :-) Cecilia
  • whitchy_pooh
    whitchy_pooh Posts: 23 Member
    Today my goal was to do day1level1 of 30ds....problem being that after my full time job, I had to pick up my children go to baseball practice straight from baseball practice to boy scouts, from there to the grocery then to pick up the one i dropped off at scouts then home to put everything away...admittedly i slacked and ordered pizza for dinna....BUT happy to say I DID D1L1 OF 30DS!!! I pushed through it and I am so tired!
  • cmbartos170
    cmbartos170 Posts: 17 Member
    I did not exercise today but my goal was to stay below my calorie intake level and to forgo snacks. Tomorrow I am spending my lunch hour walking with a coworker.
  • Dorianlg
    Dorianlg Posts: 65 Member
    I actually ended up walking 5 miles today. Of course, my paper's not finished yet. But I did what I committed to and I'm under goal. Now to get to writin!
  • Elid84
    Elid84 Posts: 7 Member
    To do some ab exercise at one point today!
  • mcwdvm
    mcwdvm Posts: 54 Member
    I find it difficult to post during the day so I will set my goals in the morning and post here to stay accountable. Today included good and not so good- I strength trained for half an hour this evening AFTER I ate a bag of M&Ms on my way home from work. UGH. Usually I would shrug off the workout after I screwed up my diet, but I decided to put it behind me and try to burn some of it off. A slight improvement in my thinking.
    Tomorrow will be better.
  • TrinaGoss
    TrinaGoss Posts: 198 Member
    Completed my goal of 3 miles on the treadmill and did it in 34 minutes! Yay!
  • brina1977
    brina1977 Posts: 14
    my goal for the day is make sure i eat enough. I think i'm dropping into starvaton mode.
  • My personal goal was to not drink more than one soda, and I didn't!

    Personal goal for tomorrow is to wake up early, and do 15 minutes of jump rope. Then, do another 15 minutes in the afternoon. Also, drink at least one bottle of water!
  • charlibets
    charlibets Posts: 83 Member
    Today I plan to re-start C25K. Walking just isn't enough.

    Charlibets - I've tried doing that program. I have to restart as I injured my leg a while back. Good luck on C25K.

    I did it. I'm heavier than the last time I did and I haven't been running so I felt sluggish. But I completed it and I know it will get easier.
  • Unaisha8
    Unaisha8 Posts: 247 Member
    My goal for today is do 45 mins of Billy Blanks tae bo cardio and 15 mins strength training. I got a treadmill as a gift yesterday so I might have a go after it has been mounted up.
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    I plan on getting a walk in after work, and starting Day#1 or the '100 Pushups' app I have on my phone. Also, it is Day#2 of my non-dairy/gluten diet so I am going to stick with that as well. Here is to a fabulous Day#2 for everyone!! :)

    I feel I met my challenge yesterday... I put in a 45 minute walk with some running intervals and cranked out an awesome 700 calorie burn! I also did my push ups work out once I got in from the walk.... I did wall pushups but my arms were still burning! I can't seem to do a 'normal' pushup so I am trying to work my way up. I plan on completing the app with wall pushups, then moving on to the full-form version.
  • KathleenSweetie
    KathleenSweetie Posts: 136 Member
    Way to go, charlibets! Very inspiring!
  • KathleenSweetie
    KathleenSweetie Posts: 136 Member
    Unaisha8, wow, you are very ambitious! Way to go! ...A new treadmill is a beautiful thing :happy: