Needs Ways To Motivate Myself

ALS9861 Posts: 37 Member
I have noticed that we are losing more people every week of the challenge. Myself included, I find that I am losing motivation. What can we do to motivate ourselves as well as each other??


  • krc99080
    krc99080 Posts: 147 Member
    I've noticed a lack of participation in the group myself and have been wondering. I just looked at the spreadsheet and last week only 6 people posted a weigh in. This is so sad to see.

    For me personally I can have people try and motivate me but it only works if it comes from within myself.

    I've been seeing success in trying on old clothes that didn't fit me last year but do fit me now. Even those weeks when my scale seemed stuck I saw inches disappear to wherever they go when we lose them.

    One trick I've used in the past that worked at the time was having a goal outfit. I hung this outfit (a beautiful dress) in my living room most of the time so I was guaranteed to see it. Then I used fitting into said dress for motivation during my workouts. I would periodically try it on and see how it fit. I was ecstatic when it fit perfectly. (Now I will admit I fell off the wagon which is why I'm here.)

    This is a huge commitment for the rest of our lives here. It's not like once we reach our magic number we're done. This is an ongoing commitment because we have to maintain it forever. Maybe some aren't ready for that big of a change in their lives. It's not an easy journey, but a very worthwhile one. Weight loss will have a profound impact on our lives only for the better.

    I do wish everyone luck and hope they can find what it takes to make it to their goals. We can all succeed at this it just takes dedication.
  • Jarice12
    Jarice12 Posts: 135 Member
    I agree...It takes TREMENDOUS dedication, and our lives get so busy that it can be almost impossible at times. But we're all here for the reason, and that is to make a permanent change in our lives. Most of us want to lose weight and be healthier, some want to maintain. But we all want to change in some way. Everyone should look at their own profile pages and remind themselves of what their motivations were when they started. I am determined to change the cycle of obesity in black America, starting with my own family. I want to live long enough to see my great grandchildren, and possibly my great great grandchildren, be born. I want o be healthy. These are what make me log, jog, and eat healthier. Motivation HAS TO come from within. We can give ourselves boosts with small challenges like fitting into a certain dress or being able to do a certain number of crunches, but ultimately it has to be IMPORTANT to the individual to make these changes. This is bigger than weightloss...I won't be a quitter in any aspect of my life! Yes, we fall down...yes, we lose sight...but the real triumph is in getting back in there and not giving up...EVER! I wish everyone luck and pray that we all get back on track with our goals.
  • mlerand62
    mlerand62 Posts: 85 Member
    I am one of those that did not weigh in this last week. My computer is being fixed and I can only log in at work when possible. Not logging my food was not a great idea. I can tell my pants are just that little bit tighter. I opted not to weigh in Friday and I am hitting it hard this week. I am coming back from my lunch break early and logging for the day for now. I am disgusted with myself but not enough to quit. You will see my true numbers on Friday this week.

    Thanks for starting this topic as I needed it. Good luck to the rest of you.
  • melissalanggin
    melissalanggin Posts: 46 Member
    Great topic starter....

    I hate to think this but this is the last challenge I will be moderating.. I think right now I am still at a point in my weight losing journey where I just need to focus on me..

    So for the next 5 weeks I am just going to do that... Focus on me.. If people feel they want to weigh in then that is great, but I feel it has to be THEIR decision.. In the end, WE, ourself are the only people who can make us great. I know motivation and encouraging words from friends help, but the will in ourself is what will drive us to victories..

    I TOAST that the remainder of this challenge we all finish strong and to find the will to carry on our lives healthy and happy and make great memories
  • determined_erin
    determined_erin Posts: 571 Member
    My main motivation is wanting to look healthier and fit in prettier clothes. Challenges like this really help me see my progress, so I try my best to stay active.

    Here is my suggestion:

    I've created a folder in my browser's favorites called Fitness. Within this folder, I have everything I need within a click of the mouse. The spreadsheet to weigh-in is in there, as well as my MFP food diary, BodyMedia activity, EarndIt, EveryMove, Skinnyo, DietBet, etc.

    Put the spreadsheet in your favorites and label it as the day you weigh-in. Mine says "MFP Challenge - Wednesday" because I weigh-in for this challenge on Wednesday.
  • ALS9861
    ALS9861 Posts: 37 Member
    That's understandable. I really enjoy these challenges and it helps to see my weight by week in black and white. Maybe I can take over the challenges with the help of someone else!

    Great topic starter....

    I hate to think this but this is the last challenge I will be moderating.. I think right now I am still at a point in my weight losing journey where I just need to focus on me..

    So for the next 5 weeks I am just going to do that... Focus on me.. If people feel they want to weigh in then that is great, but I feel it has to be THEIR decision.. In the end, WE, ourself are the only people who can make us great. I know motivation and encouraging words from friends help, but the will in ourself is what will drive us to victories..

    I TOAST that the remainder of this challenge we all finish strong and to find the will to carry on our lives healthy and happy and make great memories
  • aefallis
    aefallis Posts: 169 Member
    Sorry I haven't participated much this challenge. Life has definitely gotten in the way. Trying to get the motivation back but I'm hanging on by a thin strand right now. I'm very sad that I think I forgot to log in at all yesterday ending my streak :( I was up to around 200 days. Adding my weigh in from last Friday. :/ I forgot to do that too.