Monday Weigh-Ins



  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    After a 9 month plateau I tried an 8 week metabolism reset this winter as described by the Eat More to Weigh Less group. I gained 7 pounds doing the reset, but I wanted to try the Fast Metabolism Diet to hopefully really get my metabolism moving. Here are my results so far:

    Week 1 -5.5lb
    Wek 2 -1lb
    Week 3 maintained
    Week 4 -2.5lb
    Week 5 maintained
    Inches lost - 7"

    I do think it takes time to figure out the snack and meal timing, and even to figure out how to eat correctly so that you have a minimum of 1200 calories per day. I weigh every day so that I know how my body is reacting and the scale tends to bounce up and down, but the lows are getting lower which is the whole point. I can only encourage you to stick with it, and to try new foods so you don't get bored, especially on P2. Just think of P2 as two days of Atkins and you'll get through it.
  • febmom06
    febmom06 Posts: 2 Member
    I just started week 3. Im down 9.4 lbs total since I started. But, I feel like I've lost a TON of inches!! I despise phase 2. uhg.