I need your HELP!!!



  • K0RA
    K0RA Posts: 29
    This is the first I am hearing about evictions, but as I think back to the show, evictions were all a part of the game. I think there should be evictions based on percentage loss. Tough, indeed, but very motivating!

    As far as those who are not communicating, have they technically evicted themselves? Their lack of effort/communication validates their unwillingness to be part of the challenge.

    Challenges. Challenges are created to add variety and excitement to our journey. Let's keep it interesting! There will always be some challenges that are more difficult for some than for others, but all-in-all, that's why they are called challenges... Isn't it?
  • pamcuster
    pamcuster Posts: 770 Member
    This is the first I am hearing about evictions, but as I think back to the show, evictions were all a part of the game. I think there should be evictions based on percentage loss. Tough, indeed, but very motivating!

    As far as those who are not communicating, have they technically evicted themselves? Their lack of effort/communication validates their unwillingness to be part of the challenge.

    Challenges. Challenges are created to add variety and excitement to our journey. Let's keep it interesting! There will always be some challenges that are more difficult for some than for others, but all-in-all, that's why they are called challenges... Isn't it?

    Yep! :))
  • tirrelogston
    tirrelogston Posts: 39 Member
    I agree on evictions but only to a "home team" that maybe you could add to the spreadsheet. Then have a winner from this group. I also agree someone who has been inactive for a set period should be moved to the "home team". They will still get support and still get to be involved but we still can get an ultimate winner.
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,615 Member
    marcelka77, no matter what is decided you will loss some people! I've been in a few challenges and got booty off within a couple weeks! I wasn't losing the weight but I still stuck around for the workout and cheer everyone on! I like idea though about NO evictions because everyone's going to loss at a different pace! The ONLY way of someone beeping evicted is NOT communicating with the team!

    I work fulltime and still manage to check in to post or cheer friends on, that's what MFP is about! Either way, I will be cheering everyone on!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Sorry people. Still new to this and forgot to check this forum. My bad. Thanks!
  • marcelka77
    marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
    Would you like this idea ?

    To make it clear for everyone - there never been thought about complete eviction for active members!!! - we are family and we want to have a fun and keep motivating ourself !!! I am sad to say it but there will be people leaving this game because they want to . Not because we will evict them !!! And we are not prison so if anyone decide to leave we will respect it!!!

    Everyone agree to remove inactive team members ( unless they will explain reason why - lost connection to Internet - illness - vacation and so on.it makes it hard for captain and everyone trying to contact them - lets say person has to be idle for 2 weeks.) Should we design rest card for people on holiday???

    Make it easier for me and everyone stop calling this eviction but moving to home pit

    We will be announcing 3 winners - there will be complete winner , home pit winner and biggest transformation winner - last part is based on photos - this will be done by vote-by everyone !!! If you don't want to post picture it is fine - you can still play other parts of game !!!

    What does it mean to be in HOME PIT- not much change - you would stay in your group- you know your group and your group is like your family !!! You should continue playing. Your current captain will keep track of you. You will be still getting extra lbs if you complete challenges .But you will be playing along other home pit players .YOU CAN NOT BE EVICTED FROM HOME PIT IF YOU ARE ACTIVE MEMBER!!!!!!

    People from HOme pit can't win complete A-S BL winner but they can be home pit winner .... I would say we should move 2 people a week - I think this 2 people should be the ones with lowest percentage of loss in that week adding extra lbs from challenges. There is lots of extra lbs in challenges to make it fare for smaller players.

    At the moment we have around 93 members so moving 2 people to home pit would brake this group in half .

    I will be posting A-S BL winners and Home pit winners every week - last week we will have FINALE!!! with no extra challenge lbs and no extra advantages!!!

    Home pit winner and winner is going to be based purely on % of weight loss !!! Transformation winner on vote from other players :-))
  • yangi1
    yangi1 Posts: 91 Member
    I completely agree with this idea. I have always thought this was a competition and that has motivated me lots.
    Would you like this idea ?

    To make it clear for everyone - there never been thought about complete eviction for active members!!! - we are family and we want to have a fun and keep motivating ourself !!! I am sad to say it but there will be people leaving this game because they want to . Not because we will evict them !!! And we are not prison so if anyone decide to leave we will respect it!!!

    Everyone agree to remove inactive team members ( unless they will explain reason why - lost connection to Internet - illness - vacation and so on.it makes it hard for captain and everyone trying to contact them - lets say person has to be idle for 2 weeks.) Should we design rest card for people on holiday???

    Make it easier for me and everyone stop calling this eviction but moving to home pit

    We will be announcing 3 winners - there will be complete winner , home pit winner and biggest transformation winner - last part is based on photos - this will be done by vote-by everyone !!! If you don't want to post picture it is fine - you can still play other parts of game !!!

    What does it mean to be in HOME PIT- not much change - you would stay in your group- you know your group and your group is like your family !!! You should continue playing. Your current captain will keep track of you. You will be still getting extra lbs if you complete challenges .But you will be playing along other home pit players .YOU CAN NOT BE EVICTED FROM HOME PIT IF YOU ARE ACTIVE MEMBER!!!!!!

    People from HOme pit can't win complete A-S BL winner but they can be home pit winner .... I would say we should move 2 people a week - I think this 2 people should be the ones with lowest percentage of loss in that week adding extra lbs from challenges. There is lots of extra lbs in challenges to make it fare for smaller players.

    At the moment we have around 93 members so moving 2 people to home pit would brake this group in half .

    I will be posting A-S BL winners and Home pit winners every week - last week we will have FINALE!!! with no extra challenge lbs and no extra advantages!!!

    Home pit winner and winner is going to be based purely on % of weight loss !!! Transformation winner on vote from other players :-))
  • Jennifer8348683
    Jennifer8348683 Posts: 50 Member
    I like it too!
  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    Nice compromise! Can't please us all...haha.
    Would you like this idea ?

    To make it clear for everyone - there never been thought about complete eviction for active members!!! - we are family and we want to have a fun and keep motivating ourself !!! I am sad to say it but there will be people leaving this game because they want to . Not because we will evict them !!! And we are not prison so if anyone decide to leave we will respect it!!!

    Everyone agree to remove inactive team members ( unless they will explain reason why - lost connection to Internet - illness - vacation and so on.it makes it hard for captain and everyone trying to contact them - lets say person has to be idle for 2 weeks.) Should we design rest card for people on holiday???

    Make it easier for me and everyone stop calling this eviction but moving to home pit

    We will be announcing 3 winners - there will be complete winner , home pit winner and biggest transformation winner - last part is based on photos - this will be done by vote-by everyone !!! If you don't want to post picture it is fine - you can still play other parts of game !!!

    What does it mean to be in HOME PIT- not much change - you would stay in your group- you know your group and your group is like your family !!! You should continue playing. Your current captain will keep track of you. You will be still getting extra lbs if you complete challenges .But you will be playing along other home pit players .YOU CAN NOT BE EVICTED FROM HOME PIT IF YOU ARE ACTIVE MEMBER!!!!!!

    People from HOme pit can't win complete A-S BL winner but they can be home pit winner .... I would say we should move 2 people a week - I think this 2 people should be the ones with lowest percentage of loss in that week adding extra lbs from challenges. There is lots of extra lbs in challenges to make it fare for smaller players.

    At the moment we have around 93 members so moving 2 people to home pit would brake this group in half .

    I will be posting A-S BL winners and Home pit winners every week - last week we will have FINALE!!! with no extra challenge lbs and no extra advantages!!!

    Home pit winner and winner is going to be based purely on % of weight loss !!! Transformation winner on vote from other players :-))
  • pab88
    pab88 Posts: 499 Member
    Sounds good to me.
  • ltrevino2007
    ltrevino2007 Posts: 27 Member
    Ok so there is a lot of people that agree to the evictions but a lot that don't. I agree it would bring negative feelings if evicted. We are all here for the support.
    Some people may have signed up to see whats it about. So why couldn't be not evict them but remove the "inactive" ones from their team until they become active for,,,,say a week?
    Just an opinion so we don't lose people over this eviction.

  • K0RA
    K0RA Posts: 29
    I like this idea for the most part, and am still willing to take part (and win! :wink: ) Let's have some fun!
    Would you like this idea ?

    To make it clear for everyone - there never been thought about complete eviction for active members!!! - we are family and we want to have a fun and keep motivating ourself !!! I am sad to say it but there will be people leaving this game because they want to . Not because we will evict them !!! And we are not prison so if anyone decide to leave we will respect it!!!

    Everyone agree to remove inactive team members ( unless they will explain reason why - lost connection to Internet - illness - vacation and so on.it makes it hard for captain and everyone trying to contact them - lets say person has to be idle for 2 weeks.) Should we design rest card for people on holiday???

    Make it easier for me and everyone stop calling this eviction but moving to home pit

    We will be announcing 3 winners - there will be complete winner , home pit winner and biggest transformation winner - last part is based on photos - this will be done by vote-by everyone !!! If you don't want to post picture it is fine - you can still play other parts of game !!!

    What does it mean to be in HOME PIT- not much change - you would stay in your group- you know your group and your group is like your family !!! You should continue playing. Your current captain will keep track of you. You will be still getting extra lbs if you complete challenges .But you will be playing along other home pit players .YOU CAN NOT BE EVICTED FROM HOME PIT IF YOU ARE ACTIVE MEMBER!!!!!!

    People from HOme pit can't win complete A-S BL winner but they can be home pit winner .... I would say we should move 2 people a week - I think this 2 people should be the ones with lowest percentage of loss in that week adding extra lbs from challenges. There is lots of extra lbs in challenges to make it fare for smaller players.

    At the moment we have around 93 members so moving 2 people to home pit would brake this group in half .

    I will be posting A-S BL winners and Home pit winners every week - last week we will have FINALE!!! with no extra challenge lbs and no extra advantages!!!

    Home pit winner and winner is going to be based purely on % of weight loss !!! Transformation winner on vote from other players :-))
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    Sounds like a great balance for everyone!!

    Would you like this idea ?

    To make it clear for everyone - there never been thought about complete eviction for active members!!! - we are family and we want to have a fun and keep motivating ourself !!! I am sad to say it but there will be people leaving this game because they want to . Not because we will evict them !!! And we are not prison so if anyone decide to leave we will respect it!!!

    Everyone agree to remove inactive team members ( unless they will explain reason why - lost connection to Internet - illness - vacation and so on.it makes it hard for captain and everyone trying to contact them - lets say person has to be idle for 2 weeks.) Should we design rest card for people on holiday???

    Make it easier for me and everyone stop calling this eviction but moving to home pit

    We will be announcing 3 winners - there will be complete winner , home pit winner and biggest transformation winner - last part is based on photos - this will be done by vote-by everyone !!! If you don't want to post picture it is fine - you can still play other parts of game !!!

    What does it mean to be in HOME PIT- not much change - you would stay in your group- you know your group and your group is like your family !!! You should continue playing. Your current captain will keep track of you. You will be still getting extra lbs if you complete challenges .But you will be playing along other home pit players .YOU CAN NOT BE EVICTED FROM HOME PIT IF YOU ARE ACTIVE MEMBER!!!!!!

    People from HOme pit can't win complete A-S BL winner but they can be home pit winner .... I would say we should move 2 people a week - I think this 2 people should be the ones with lowest percentage of loss in that week adding extra lbs from challenges. There is lots of extra lbs in challenges to make it fare for smaller players.

    At the moment we have around 93 members so moving 2 people to home pit would brake this group in half .

    I will be posting A-S BL winners and Home pit winners every week - last week we will have FINALE!!! with no extra challenge lbs and no extra advantages!!!

    Home pit winner and winner is going to be based purely on % of weight loss !!! Transformation winner on vote from other players :-))
  • tirrelogston
    tirrelogston Posts: 39 Member
    This is sounds great to me :)
  • squishypop
    squishypop Posts: 33 Member
    Lurv it! Let's do dis!
  • 2muchchocncrisps
    2muchchocncrisps Posts: 176 Member
    Sounds fair to me.
  • This is a great compromise :) Lets do it! Good luck everyone
  • i_am_losing_it
    i_am_losing_it Posts: 310 Member
    Sounds good to me! I have also been on several challenges the idea of being booted has always been a big motivator, so having weekly evictions would have been fine for me too.
  • dreamingofhealthy
    dreamingofhealthy Posts: 109 Member
    I too think this is a good "middle ground" for all parties!!
    LET DO THIS YA'LL!!!! :smokin: :love:

    I am so excited everyone is participating and we are getting so much response on the message boards! Looking forward to the competition!!!
    I posted somthing similar to this on my Orange team loft board.. but will say it again:

    I am super proud of everyone for taking this challenge and working to make a real LIFE change not just diet! It is tough to do on your own, so I am very happy to have such a a great group both on my Orange team and with our competion on the other teams. :laugh: :wink:
    now it's break time I have to get some sqats in!! dreading it as my legs are sore... but I have a goal of 50 for the day!!

    GOOD LUCK everyone Stay strong!
  • Sounds good to me as well!