Having the hardest time! (This may just be a vent...)

Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
So I am having the hardest time losing weight right now. I gained nearly 45 pounds while pregnant, and then lost 20 right away doing nothing. After the easy pounds dropped (2 weeks PP), I figured it was time to get serious about losing the rest. I cut calories to within what was supposed to be acceptable for breastfeeding (it varied but went as low as 1800) and started light exercising a few times a week (in addition to daily walks with the baby and my dog). And...NOTHING. The only difference I notice between when I restrict calories and when I eat whatever I want is that my milk supply drops. How can this be?

I don't know if anyone has any answers. I'm just starting to think maybe I should just be happy to maintain until I'm done breastfeeding, but that is going to be a while...So torn. Wondering if I should suck it up and shell out the money to visit a nutritionist for advice...

The little one just woke up.

End of vent. :-)


  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    I know I won't be of any help... But I having THE SAME EXACT PROBLEM. I gained fifty while pregnant, dropped forty in two weeks... and stopped. I have been eating well (approx 1600-1800 cals a day)staying away from refined sugar and sodium, not too many carbs. I have also been exercising, yet the weight is refusing to budge.. I just signed up to speak to nutritionist also. Hoping that will help. The only difference is that I had to stop breastfeeding because munchkin was allergic to my milk. That is when the problems really started.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I wish I had a solution, but I have the same problem. I gained around 65 and lost about 35 so far. I didn't lose anything until about 2 weeks ago then maybe it was down 2lbs. The only thing I changed was doing Jillian Michael's ripped in 30. I ate the same, and many of those days I ate 2500+calories. I also seem to adjsut calories and it doesn't change my weight. Hang in there, we will get there.....eventually :)
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    I totally hear ya. I think the myths of people losing all their baby weight while breastfeeding are mind killers. I'm still nursing my almost 6 month old and have stalled out on losing. I'm working out and eating right (for the most part). I think our bodies are holding on to what it needs to nourish those babies!

    I've also realized I needed to take a hard look at my workouts and see if I'm truly pushing myself. I realized I needed to work a little harder and with a little more consistency. Realizing it and acting on it are two different things though haha! I think my head is back in the right place- we'll see if it works these next few weeks though. I gained last week and maintained the week before that.

    You can do it- our bodies are still hormonal rollercoasters. Patience and hard work- we can all do it!
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    I am having the same problem now and I had the same problem with my fist baby as well. I gained 65 lb during pregnancy lost 25 in the first 2 weeks and nothing since. My baby hit 4 months yesterday and she gained 10 lb since birth and I could not even lose that much since the initial drop. It is ally frustrating.

    If it gives you any comfort, it will happen once the breastfeeding is over. With my first baby that extra 40 lb lingered around for 2 freaking years because I was BFing. Once I stopped BFing , I lost 55 lb in a year.
    I know it will happen to me again, but I wish I could lose at least some while nursing.
    I have a bodymedia and based on that I am on 750-1000 calorie deficit a day and still nothing.
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    Same boat! Only gained 30 this pregnancy, so thought it would melt off. 20 did right away, but these last 10 are h.a.n.g.i.n.g.o.n.!!! Ugh. Finally saw the scale move a bit lately, but now at a stall again. I'm at 6 months PP and have 4/5 to go. But nothin' looks the same.

    Like everyone said, think it'll come off after breastfeeding. With my first daughter, I gained 40 and didn't really focus on losing all the weight for a while. I finally did lose it ALL well into her first year, then soon after found out I was pregnant again. Don't worry-it'll happen. I've been up and down, quite discouraged at times. I'm finally at the point where I know if I keep doing what I'm doing, EVENTUALLY something will give. Hang in there :)
  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    With both my babies I was never able to BF very long due to some medicals issues. But, I've heard many women say that they don't start dropping weight until they are done BFing. Even the hospital nurses told me this. Your body hangs onto all the weight to nourish the little one. This being said I haven't had too much trouble dropping weight which seems to support this theory (since I'm not BFing).

    But I also workout really hard. I usually jog 3 times a week for at least 30 mins, I do zumba for 50 mins normally twice a week, and sometimes I fill in gaps with biking. I also stick to my calorie goals almost every day. I know that I'm able to restrict my cals a lot more since I'm not BFing though.
  • rekite2000
    rekite2000 Posts: 218 Member
    I am losing slow, but it is happening (.5lbs-1lb/wk). I do TDEE method and add my breastfeeding to that. I noticed in your diary that your breastfeedig doesn't add macros back in (all zeros). There are some "breastfeeding" in food database that do have that as nutrients. I do it as a minute of cardio and it adds my macros. Not sure if you watch those, but if you do- it is a huge difference. I lost the weight with baby 2 fast, but I gained so much with baby 1 that I am now working on that. I really regret those pot pies with baby 1!!! And I have heard a lot of women say they drop 10 after breastfeeding. I never dd with #1, but I didn't watch my food either!
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    I don't really have any advice for you, just wanted to pop in and give you virtual (hugs)!

    You have lots of nice healthy food in your diary, and the little guy is getting lots of good healthy milk - that's the important thing :)

    It will happen, mama!
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    With both my babies I was never able to BF very long due to some medicals issues. But, I've heard many women say that they don't start dropping weight until they are done BFing. Even the hospital nurses told me this. Your body hangs onto all the weight to nourish the little one. This being said I haven't had too much trouble dropping weight which seems to support this theory (since I'm not BFing).

    But I also workout really hard. I usually jog 3 times a week for at least 30 mins, I do zumba for 50 mins normally twice a week, and sometimes I fill in gaps with biking. I also stick to my calorie goals almost every day. I know that I'm able to restrict my cals a lot more since I'm not BFing though.
    Maybe you are onto something. Somehow only those of my MFP new mommy friends are really losing who are not BFing anymore.
  • daytolive
    daytolive Posts: 106 Member
    TOTALLY in the same boat! I've gone as low at 1200 calories but had zero supply left. Now im at 1600/1700 and my supply is decent but Im not losing anything. I think you have to decide to BF or lose weight. I think the body holds on to extra lbs because its natures way of saying "feed that baby!". Stay healthy and active because by the time you're done nursing I bet the rest will just melt right off of you. Hang in there! You're doing the best thing for you little baby and that is amazing!
  • juliehuestis
    juliehuestis Posts: 24 Member
    After baby #2 I was stuck (like many of you are now). I spoke with my family doctor who did blood work which showed I was iron deficient and hypothyroid. Once I regulated that then the pounds started coming off. Now with baby #3, I have had my levels checked a few times and adjusted some meds, and the pounds are consistently coming off (0.5-1 pound per week ). If your body doesn't have the right levels then it is going to have a hard time losing weight. Maybe have your blood work done? I am EBF, my son is five months. Hope this helps!