Exercise calories

I'm sure someone has asked this before but how many exercise calories do you eat. If any. MFP says my daily calorie level should be 1200 but I don't think that seems enough. I'm so confused


  • rachpetersen
    rachpetersen Posts: 265 Member
    1200 calories is MFP's way of covering their butt because it is pretty much the lowest you should ever go, so no it is probably not enough calories. Go to the link below and it will help you calculate how many calories you should be eating and you can adjust it on MFP. Hope this helps :)

  • dld71084
    dld71084 Posts: 17
    Oh wow yes it says 1688 And I put activity level as 3-5 hours week of moderate exercise. Just in case I do more or less. Not sure really what to put but I know I do at least that. That is a big difference from 1200
  • xintothevoidxz
    Someone provided me with this spreadsheet on MFP. It also puts into account your body fat & frame type:

  • Jenya05
    Jenya05 Posts: 42 Member
    Also, MFP wants you to eat back all of your exercise calories so if you want to stick to their recommendations, you should be eating 300-700 exercise calories back, depending on the workout. I personally stick to the scoop calculator, but that is always another option.