Let's check in! Where are we at?

sugah11 Posts: 156 Member
Good morning everyone, I thought today would be a good day to check in. How is everyone doing on their goals? I am a little behind, but still moving downward. Hit a new low today and finally got into ONDERLAND, just barely! NWT 199.6


  • iheartwhitetea
    iheartwhitetea Posts: 29 Member
    Congratulations, that's awesome! =)

    I've starting heavy lifting over the last few weeks and it's been great! I'm now less than 20 pounds away from my goal! I still have work to do, but results are the encouraging part.

    I hope everyone is feeling confident and energized!
  • sugah11
    sugah11 Posts: 156 Member
    Another mile stone weight today is 189.4 Woo Hoo almost 1/2 way there! :smile: