
loril13 Posts: 320 Member
I started running last Labor Day weekend. I was the girl who hid when it was time to run during HS gym class. I started using the Couch 2 5k program. When i finished that, I moved on to the 5k to 10k program. That stalled out when Boston got nailed with a major snow storm every weekend for 6 weeks. I got a new phone 2 weeks ago and whebn I reinstalled all my apps, my prgress for 5k to 10k was gone. Not a big deal. While I repeat the weeks I already did, I can work on my speed a little.

Saturday I did my tribute run for Runners United for Boston. I was hoping for a personal best for entire run. That wasn't to be. My usual 3+ mile loop at home had a head wind for the enite loop! One would think a head wind would become a tailwind when you change from North to South. lol However, my middle mile was under 10 minutes. That is HUGE for me.

RUnners United for Boston is a facebook event running until May 2. If you want to dedicate one of your runs to Boston, go to the group, print out your bib and GO! Post how far your run was, and a phot of you wearing the bib to the group.
