New to back Problems

pscwrstlr Posts: 2 Member
Hey Everyone. So I am somewhat new to having back problem. I was a power lifter for a lot of my adult life. I briefly went into bodybuilding but couldn't stand the repetition. On April 22nd 2012 at 8:15 at night I loaded up the incline leg press with my normal 750 pounds. Really not that much for me but something strange happened my back straightened out and I felt a pain like I have never felt. My legs went numb and the pain didn't go away. To this day it is still there and can be severe at times but mostly I'm at moderate pain level.

After a few hours I went to the emergency room and that was a waist of time. They gave me some Vicodin and said good luck. Since then I have bounced from doctor to doctor trying to find a solution. I just found out I have a ddd and a herniated disc in the L5-S1 level. I also moved my spine somehow from the weight and have nerve damage. I have had steroid shots, nerve blockers shots, Branch blocker shots, and a few others that have done nothing. I have to take a lot of meds just to go about my daily activities and even then it is difficult.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated I am at wits end here. I haven't been able to work out in forever and just can't see how this could be the rest of my life. Sorry this was so long and thank you in advance


  • dianeomg
    dianeomg Posts: 2
    Saw a neurosurgeon. 2 choices given to me lose use of right leg or surgery. Had a slipped disc and cyst pushing on spinal canal. Had all of the blocks you could think of and drugs. Surgery was my choice. Done on 4/12/13. Pain gone, walking fine.
  • viragoeap
    viragoeap Posts: 107
    That sounds painful and I'm not surprised a herniated disc has been diagnosed. Have you been advised to do any stretch and release exercises with your back, pelvic and hamstring area? I've been doing them for 3 years now for 3 bulging including 2 herniated discs at L3,4 and 5. Mine sounds worse than it is thanks to having a large spinal canal which accommodates the movement without too much pressure on the sciatic nerve. Needless to say my condition is still chronic but I have movement thanks to 3 years of pilates type exercises. However, I do have to be very careful when lifting any weights.