SOS: Shout out Sundays 4/28/2013

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
ok gang hit me with it! What happened this week?


  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    I'M IN!

    That personal internet trainer thing I was talking about a couple weeks ago. SideSteel picked me. I really hope this is what kicks my butt back into high gear. And I owe it all to a random PM from Beatrixia.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!! I am so happy for you Mr AAAK! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!

    Well the past 9 days have taught me that that rest sleep is vital and need to function and do a good job.
  • NatashaShen
    NatashaShen Posts: 295 Member
    I learned that Just Dance on the Wii is a fun and exhausting form of exercise. I could burn more calories doing step aerobics but some times that just feels like work. I'd rather burn a bit less and enjoy the "workout".
  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    As my good friend would say, "I got my toes crunched today." The message at church was about judging. I discovered that I had quickly judged and turned angry regarding a certain issue only to discover I did not have the full story.

    Why do I mention church lesson here? Quite simple, it is so easy to look at someone's diary and judge. Especially after you have been educated. In the massage today it talked about not throwing your pearls to swine. What that means is preaching what you have learned to people who are not capable of comprehending what you are trying to relay.

    The other part of the message was pointing out someone else's flaws when you have several of your own to focus on. I am real bad for pointing out my husband's flaws and ignoring my own faults.

    My vow is to find something positive to say to everyone; be the best example without words; work on myself first; to remind myself that discipline is LOVE; and to discern who I am to admonish in love.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    That my life is back to not planning ahead, because if I make any plans, we will get a sample at work and I will have to cancel plans, happened Friday (and we're not even officially back to receiving samples yet!) and didn't get to train with Super Trainer :(
  • threadlove
    threadlove Posts: 30 Member
    22 miles walking and 27 biking. All challenges accepted and completed this week. Feeling great!