Newbee here!

:smile: I am new to MFP and am 6 weeks postpartum and starting my weightloss jouney ... I am pumping and want to know how do I account for those in burned calories? MFP has me at 1500 calories a day. What is eating back excersise or breastfeeding?


  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I add my breastfeeding/pumping calories in under food, for 500 calories a day.
  • Aiiryfairy
    Aiiryfairy Posts: 35 Member
    Welcome! :)

    You can search for breastfeeding in your food diary and that will give you an extra 5OO cals to eat every day, but there's also an option to add it by oz. As you're pumping you know how much you're getting. Eating back your exercise cals means you eat back what you burned. Myfitnesspal exercise calculations can be a little high, so I wouldn't recommend eating them all back unless you have a heart rate monitor The reason you eat them back is because if you eat 14OO and you burn say 5OO through exercise, that leaves your body with *9OO cals which is way too low. Feel free to add me if you want to :)