
So, I've had people start asking me if I'm training for something. Which sounded kind of crazy to me, considering I'm not moving THAT much weight. But out of curiosity I googled beginning powerlifting competitions, and it turns out there is no minimum weight you have to push around in order to enter! And it's all about form which is pretty swell. It's just squat, deadlift, and Bench! No evil OP or pendlay rows :tongue:

Have any of you ladies considered a competition or done one? Any advice on going about finding one? (I'm SOL for local events on google and kind of scared of anything bigger than that.)

If nothing else I think it would be fun to go watch!


  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I've been asked if I am training for something specific as well. I haven't seriously considered competing at any level, mostly because of my various injuries. I think it would be awesome to compete in the crossfit games, but again, I don't think I could survive a few of the lifts during training so I just admire the women that can.
  • Amazing1985RSD
    As far as I know it costs money to go, but you can check out in order to find powerlifting gyms and meets in your area.