Anyone play Dnd??



  • styledsky
    styledsky Posts: 121 Member
    Yes. I love my D&D!!! Started in about 1984 before I was a teenager with the red Basic set. Learned to DM early too. Played all 5 box sets (yes, even Immortals), 1st Ed AD&D, 2nd ed, didn't like 3rd, 3.5, HATED 4th (aka Dungeons of Warcraft), and been in the playtest since it was publc.

    Currently running a fortnightly campaign in 3.5e using my own game world, same group and game for 6 years.

    I also play/GM CP2020, Storyteller, HERO, Ars Magica, BT/MW, Dark Conspiracy, Pendragon, Traveller, a few obscure ones and now learning Savage Worlds thanks to someone on MFP.

    Plus miniatures. Love miniatures :)
  • SlytherinPrefect
    SlytherinPrefect Posts: 64 Member
    I may be the only person who loves playing 4e. Ah, well. Not playing a game right now but will be in future, hopefully. Actually we might start a Star Wars tabletop first. We'll see.
  • Naener
    Naener Posts: 167 Member

    My brothers and I play settlers of Catan and Magic the Gathering a bit and my youngest brother (age31) plays warhammer, I never got into it, all I wanted to do was paint the figures in whatever colour scheme I wanted to he he he.

    MtG player here too!! :D
  • Okapi42
    Okapi42 Posts: 495 Member
    I don't like 4e because I tend toward high-charisma characters who prefer bluffing to fighting. That's why I enjoy a human DM more than computer games...
  • MuirinArcher
    MuirinArcher Posts: 37 Member
    1ed ADD here. :) Love it. <3
  • bmele0
    bmele0 Posts: 282 Member
    I played many Friday nights between 2004-2008 in college. Woo, druid! Also played Rifts, and Heroes.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I get to play D&D maybe once a year around Xmas if people come back to visit family. My husband teaches and the school has a twice weekly D&D club at lunch. So he gets to DM that and when the graduated players are around for the holidays we have them over for food, sinful hot chocolate, and a good dungeon crawl. There just aren't enough people in town to get a group together. :(
  • blueiced
    blueiced Posts: 8 Member
    I play it about once a month with my friends only really started playing about 7months ago, We tend just to use the MM1 and create out own stories and add the odd puzzle. We are going to try and have a go on and see what thats like.
  • benjaminlight
    benjaminlight Posts: 78 Member
    I played for a lot of years. Started with 2nd Edition when I was in high school, then took several years break until I started teaching - and we started an after school Tabletop gaming club. D&D was one of our mainstays. I'm one of the rare birds that preferred 3.5 over 2 - though I've basically decided that at this point 3.5 will be the last set I will play. Still have all the stuff - also enjoy playing d20 Modern, Star Wars, and am tempted to start a Firefly campaign one of these days.

    Hard part is my wife isn't a fan - so it's hard to find time to get with others and play.
  • j_bark
    j_bark Posts: 1,274 Member
    Love some D&D. Play entirely too much and still have the old books, but life you know.

    Was lucky enough to fall into a Serenity RPG group for a couple of years, then our awesome GM moved.

    Anyone ever tried to run a campaign over Roll20? Its an online playform for RPGers.
  • LissaK1981
    LissaK1981 Posts: 219 Member
    Always wanted to learn