April 29 to May 5

Vini9 Posts: 343 Member
Ladies, Ladies, where did you all go! Well I am still here kicking it. I do come by and read the posts when they are up but I have had a rough 2 weeks, sickness then hubby was outa town in Texas. I pushed play when I could and well today is a new day, new week :) I am now part of another group Turbo fire hotties. It's nice to stay motivated but I miss the more personal group. You guys! I hope everything is well. I did CLX lean 3 today and I did a HIIT 15 was to do 30 but got I interrupted. I was good and sweaty though. I haven't been losing, and am frustrated but I keep trying.

@ CK we are glad your still here and slowly getting back into it. We have missed you!! I can't imagine what you are going through and will be in prayer since that is the only way I can help (everybody always wants to help with advice and whatnot). Anyway as I said Glad your back.

Keep pushing play!!!!!


  • preshusgem
    preshusgem Posts: 204 Member
    Hi, I am still here and frustrated with the scale as well. As some of you know, I've been redoing week 14 for many weeks. I still have not completed a whole week. So, today I said "screw it" and I moved myself to week 16 (recovery week). I just pressed play on 45EZ and Stretch 10. How I missed that workout (45ez). So much fun.

    My kids' school, soccer and scouts activities are keeping me from leaving any comments on posts. I do log in everyday but I'm not "on on" like I used to be.

    I now have p90x back and I haven't even done one yet. I was planning on doing the Lean program along with TF's Advanced classes but I haven't gotten to that yet.

    People are really starting to notice the changes in my body but I always downplay it cuz I'm not where I thought I would be at this time. I know I should be happy that they even notice and I should be glad for that.

    I have a 6 month follow up with my blood doc on Thursday so I can't wait to hear what he has to say. My endocrinologist appt is not until mid-May and my annual physical isn't until June....those are the appts I'm really looking forward to!

    Connie~I'm glad you're back on logging. Since we are local, we should really try to get together and meet somewhere halfway.'

    Off to bed now. Take care all!
  • Vini9
    Vini9 Posts: 343 Member
    *Waving* to Stel, hey girl nice to hear from you. Yes I can so relate about being busy, but glad that you are for the most part well. You'll have to let us know how your appointment goes. I have been restarting week 9 in my TF/ CLX routine for 2 weeks as well. But I will complete it this week. :)

    I did TF 45 Ez today, and had fun. Well for the most part anyway. I am crazy sore from lifting yesterday and I didn't want to lift my legs or my arms and when my boobs bounced forget about it. :) I did it though and I felt good afterward, so it was worth it. Now I just have to walk........LOL

    I am thinking I may do body beast when I am done in 3 more weeks, but not really sure. I have never completed CLX just used it for the hybrid so I don't know maybe do it? Thoughts would be nice :) when you have time of course. Keep pushing play!!!!!!
  • preshusgem
    preshusgem Posts: 204 Member
    My doctor's office screwed up my appt today when they changed over their computer system so I am rescheduled for next week.

    I noticed I do much better eating-wise when I'm home and the hubster has the car then I'm not tempted to stop anywhere for bad foods then I eat all the clean healthy foods I have at home. Score for me. The scale hasn't changed but my size 18 shorts from last summer are literally falling off of me. When I wear them, I feel like those young teenage boys that wear their pants so low. My size 14 jeans are starting to loosen up now. Yeah, I think I need to stop putting it off and shop already. I need smaller size shoes too. Has that happened to any of you as you lose weight does your shoe size decrease as well?

    HOpe you're all doing well and pressing play when you can! Take care!

    I miss hearing from all of you!
  • jenihullett
    jenihullett Posts: 241 Member
    Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been posting. It's been another busy week here. School stuff, Army stuff, everything just seemed to demand my attention this week! Luckily it's almost all been sorted out.

    I haven't been doing TF AT ALL because the lady downstairs is now home 24/7. I don't know if she's on vacation or lost her job or what.... but she's in more of a ceiling-bashing mood than ever before. I will NOT miss having her around when me and the hubby move to Missouri in November. Anyway, I've been jogging to try to make up for my lack of cardio. So far I've cut my 2 mile run down to 23 mins. Not great, but not nearly as bad as I used to be. Now I can actually jog for over a mile without getting winded.

    Like you guys, the scale hasn't been moving for me, either. My doctor says that he thinks it's my thyroid that's causing it, and told me to give it awhile for my meds to kick in. So far, no bueno.

    Preshus- my feet didn't shrink, but my fingers did! In 2011 my hubs bought me a new wedding band for Christmas, and it was kind of tight. Now it's kind of loose! Also, I hope your appointments go well!

    Vini- I tried to stick to the CLX regular schedule, and I was SO bored by week 5 I had to throw in some TF just to mix it up. Personally, I find the TF cardio a bit more fun.