Deployment stress & not eating

jyneefur Posts: 64 Member
My other half has been deployed for about 3 months now (USAF). Because of his outfit's track record, it's been a fairly stress-free time. We were both more worried about him getting into a car accident here at home than we were about something happening while he's deployed.

Until recently. A chain of tragedies and close calls have turned our seemingly stress-free lives into a time of grieving, anxiety and extreme stress. Hopefully he'll be back home in the next 2-3 weeks, but until then..

Does anyone have any advice for making myself eat more calories? In times of high stress, I don't pig out.. I just don't eat. I don't feel hungry. I don't remember to eat. I've been eating breakfast when I wake up, but then I can go almost all day before remembering that I should eat something. And when I DO eat, it makes me feel nauseated. I've been adding 2 tbsp of organic peanut butter to my daily regiment, just for the calorie boost. Does anyone have any other ideas?


  • fablevins
    fablevins Posts: 111 Member
    I hope your husband gets home safe! I think going the nut route idea is the right idea. I love Wonderful Pistachios, roasted and salted. Emerald Cocoa Roast almonds are also really good.

    Take care! *hugs*

  • SpitfireStacey
    SpitfireStacey Posts: 158 Member
    When you aren't already cooking for a spouse/kids, it can be hard to eat right (btdt). I always had my fave healthy snacks on hand whenever my dh was deployed. A fridge full of deli meat turkey, lettuce, celery/babycarrots whatever little things you can eat without cooking. Handfuls of nuts (in pre-portioned servings) yoghurts, cereal, stuff like that is easier to grab and convince yourself to eat than chicken breasts that require cooking and side dishes. I also like cup a soups, protein shakes, edamame and sweet peas (with salt and vinegar, yum!) and there are individual box servings of flavoured veggies in the freezer section at the commissary/walmart, I can't think what they are called but little boxes of flavoured veg you microwave. Again, it's an individual serving, and relatively healthy. Pack your cupboards/freezer with foods like this that require little to no effort and you'll find it easier to remember and easier to grab something to eat. Good luck!