Today's Bible Verse:

Matthew 1:23
"Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel" (which means, God with us). (ESV)
Today's Inspiring Thought: God With Us
When Mary gave birth to her Son, Immanuel was at last present among us, yet in so many ways he is still hidden from us. Have you ever wondered why God would want to live among us and even within us, when we cannot fully comprehend him?
If you've ever gone to live in a foreign country, you've known the temporary loneliness and frustration of living among people who can't fully understand you. In spite of the hardship, most likely you endured because you knew that one day you would eventually be fully understood.

Could it be that Immanuel is looking forward to that day just as much as we are—that day when we see him with perfect clarity and know him completely?