Need Friends Who Look Like Me

I'm 5 feet 10 inches and 195 pounds. Mostly fat as I seldom workout although that will gradually change for the better. I'd like to shrink my my upper body as I am top heavy. Arms, back, chest, and stomach....all big. Anyway, if there was anyone else out there actively trying to lose weight and looks like me I'd like to be your friend on MFP. I'd like to follow your weight loss journey as I go on mine. My goal weight is 150 pounds.


  • daisy1_2013
    I started out at 196 pounds in January and i'm now down to 152 with another 20 to go. I'm a little shorter than you 5'9 and bottom heavy but feel free to add me. Best of luck in your weight loss journey : )
  • Naturally_EB
    Naturally_EB Posts: 44 Member
    I'm 5 feet 10 inches and 195 pounds. Mostly fat as I seldom workout although that will gradually change for the better. I'd like to shrink my my upper body as I am top heavy. Arms, back, chest, and stomach....all big. Anyway, if there was anyone else out there actively trying to lose weight and looks like me I'd like to be your friend on MFP. I'd like to follow your weight loss journey as I go on mine. My goal weight is 150 pounds.

    hey feel free to add me. I'm aiming to lose 50lbs too! I'm 5'10" at 200lbs
  • Caligirl_92
    Caligirl_92 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm in a similar situation. I am 5'11 and 195 pounds. My goal weight is 155 maybe lower not sure yet. Feel free to add me its good to have friends that are built similar for reference :smile:
  • frugalafterfifty
    frugalafterfifty Posts: 240 Member
    I'm a bit older than you all but I'm 6'1" and 198 looking to get to @165. It's coming off SLOW, but I've increased my activity level. Anyone feel free to add me as a friend to compare similar progress. I'm on everyday. ~ Terri
  • ReinaJaLaNa
    ReinaJaLaNa Posts: 151 Member
    Request sent!
  • rinjw
    rinjw Posts: 6 Member
    Going to friend you all! Except for those I'm already friends with :) so nice to know there are other tall women out there
  • HoneySunrise
    HoneySunrise Posts: 29 Member
    I'll add you all as well. I'm a little taller 5'9", and 208 today. I wanna get down to 160.
  • mazdarcr89
    Hello my names andrea i'm about 5'8'' i know that isn't really that tall comparied to alot of other females out there i'm around 182lbs at the moment i have a fairly large bone frame which is saving me from looking bigger than i really i'm. i'm sorta stuck at what a healthy weight would be for me. my waist size i believe is a 35. maybe.. :(

    Also i need friends in my area that would like to go out running with me.
  • rubyjuly21
    rubyjuly21 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi. I'm 6ft on a good day, lol. My first goal,183 just to see what a normal BMI looks like. Hoping 160 will be where I want to be. Feel free to add me.

  • nikarjc
    nikarjc Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Im 5'9" and currently weigh 240 my beginning weight was 320. I have added most of you but if you want you can add me too. Anyways I have always been big so I have a non-set weight goal of 160. Just depends how I feel and look when Im closer to that weight!!

    COngrats to all for your current loss and may none of us ever find it again!!
  • stacey672
    stacey672 Posts: 6 Member
    Please include me! I am 5'10" and currently 190. Three years ago I lost 35 lbs and got to 140# - and have gained it all plus some back. I am just getting started again and could use some friends to help me stay on track! I also use the fitbit and several of the beachbody programs for fitness.
  • betterthanbefpre
    betterthanbefpre Posts: 168 Member
    Feel free to add me also! I am currently 165 but my goal is 150/145. My heaviest was 215...let's get there together!! I am 5' 10" also.
  • jimiller25
    jimiller25 Posts: 6 Member
    Great idea! I'm about your same height and weight - sending request now...
  • lulu1066
    lulu1066 Posts: 122 Member
    Hi there Tall Girls!
    I am 5'10 and have taken 8 months to go from 210 to 160. My goal is 155 and then my aim is never to go above 160. I have been dieting very well with two friends here in Bermuda who are both petite, so it's nice to know that there are other tall girls out there. They just don't get some tall girl stuff. Like how hard it is to buy clothes these days - the smaller they get the shorter they get! I am interested that some of you tall girls want to get down to 140 - I'd never dream of being that slim and willowy, but maybe I should... Thank you for opening up this topic. Don't know how to add anybody xxx