May Challenges??



  • DisappearingTwinkie
    DisappearingTwinkie Posts: 109 Member
    Today I did 21 sets of 7 different bicep/back exercises, 110 squats, 35 minute walk, and at 10 glasses of water. I am about to pop :)
  • DisappearingTwinkie
    DisappearingTwinkie Posts: 109 Member
    12 glasses of water so far today, and 21 sets of 7 different leg/calves lifts. Also mowed, and dance cleaned :)
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    12 glasses of water so far today, and 21 sets of 7 different leg/calves lifts. Also mowed, and dance cleaned :)
    Now I've got this really amusing picture in my head about doing a walk like an egyptian while dusting.
  • DisappearingTwinkie
    DisappearingTwinkie Posts: 109 Member
    I do squats instead of bending over, make multiple trips carrying things either jogging, kicking, twisting, whatever the music tells me lol. I do nerdy dance moves, and hop around like a fool. Music motivates me :) I have always done this, even as a Teen, my little brother thought I was crazy hopping around the how to Aqua or Type-O-Negative, whatever I was in the mood for.

    Today I had 11 or more glasses of water, 3 sets of 12 for 6 exercises working my shoulders and abs, 25 minute cool down on the elliptical, and my 130 squats.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    I'm behind in logging! :D
    5/7 - 60min workout, 9 glasses (thanks Zumba)
    5/8 - 7 glasses
    5/9 - 38min workout, 9 glasses (thanks Zombies 5K)
    5/10 - shoulder preses, 7 glasses
    5/11 - 60min workout, 8 glasses
    5/12 - 7 glasses
  • DisappearingTwinkie
    DisappearingTwinkie Posts: 109 Member
    9 Glasses of water and counting, Over a mile walking, my weight training sets, and elliptical time!
  • beckimj
    beckimj Posts: 186 Member
    5/6: logged, 12 glasses, 182 minutes for 1917 calories
    5/7: logged, 14 glasses, 65 minutes for 508 calories
    5/8: logged, 12 glasses, 70 minutes for 1298 calories
    5/9: logged, 16 glasses, 30 minutes for 249 calories
    5/10: logged, 22 glasses, 65 minutes for 935 calories
    5/11: logged, 13 glasses, 154 minutes for 1361 calories
    5/12: logged, 10 glasses, 70 minutes for 544 calories
  • DisappearingTwinkie
    DisappearingTwinkie Posts: 109 Member
    11 glasses of water today so far, and I did my weight training, 155 squats, and 20-30 minutes of swimming.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    5/13 - 8 glasses, strength training
    5/14 - 9 glasses, 1hr Zumba, strength training
    5/15 - 11 glasses, 38min walking/jogging, strength training
    5/16 - 10 glasses, strength training
    5/17 - 10 glasses, 28min bike, 20min walking, strength training
    5/18 - 5 glasses, N/A
    5/19 - 6 glasses, strength trianing (squats only)
  • beckimj
    beckimj Posts: 186 Member
    5/13: logged, 11 glasses, 135 minutes for 1193 calories
    5/14: logged, 9 glasses, 30 minutes for 616 calories
    5/15: logged, 10 glasses, 160 minutes for 1831 calories
    5/16: logged, 26 glasses, 110 minutes for 779 calories
    5/17: logged, 10 glasses, 90 minutes for 1346 calories
    5/18: logged, 23 glasses, 300 minutes for 2838 calories
    5/19: logged, 13 glasses, 205 minutes for 1499 calories
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    We're coming to the end Ladies! Have you been keeping up?!

    5/20 - 9 | 42min/strength
    5/21 - 9 | 5min/strength
    5/22 - 7 | 31min/squats
    5/23 - 10 | 100min/strength
    5/24 - 8 | 35min/strength
    5/25 - 3 | N/A (much needed recovery)
    5/26 - 9 | 40min
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    Well ladies, May is well and over with. I hope you all did well, even if you didn't report here!

    5/27 - 7 / Squats
    5/28 - 9 / A few squats
    5/29 - 9 / Strength and a 30min boot camp
    5/30 - 6 / Off (sewing day)
    5/31 - 8 / Off (Out of town)