Some help please

Hi, I just finished reading the Fast Metabolism book and I want to start after Mother's day (having brunch buffet with the family), but I have a few questions. I'm just trying to lose 10 lbs and my metabolism is really messed up from years of bulimia, restricting, and binging. I'm trying to set up a meal plan on my own with just using some of her recipes. I'm a vegetarian but I'll eat fish and egg whites for Phase 2. A lot of her recipes don't really appeal to me other than her egg and fish ones. Here's an example of my meal plan so far:
Phase 1: Breakfast: P1 oatmeal
Snack: 1 mango
Lunch: 1 cup quinoa, 1/2 cup egg whites, 2 cup veggies, and 1 orange.
Snack: 2 kiwis
Dinner: 1 cup brown rice, 1/2 cup lentils, 2 cups veggies

Phase 2: Breakfast: spanish egg white scramble witb spinach
Snack: 3 hard boiled egg whites with cucumbers
Lunch: Tuna and cucumber salad with some other greens
Snack: 3 hard boiled egg whites with cucumbers
Dinner: 6 oz fish with veggies

Phase 3: Breakfast: P3 Oatmeal
Snack: 1/2 cup hummus and cucumbers
Lunch: 3 egg salad over 2 cups of spinach
Snack: 1/4 cup almonds
Dinner: 1/2 cup quinoa, 1/2 cup lentils, 2 cups veggies

Does that seem about right? My other question is that this seems really low on calories. I've roughly counted up the calories and my estimate is that I'll be eating around 1000 calories in Phase 1, 700-800 calories in Phase 2, and around 1200 calories in Phase 3. I know my BMR is 1240 (got tested) and I don't really want to eat below it. I'm just worried that its too restrictive and it will trigger binging later on.
If anyone wants to correct me, feel free!


  • BellaEle
    BellaEle Posts: 13
    I am at day 10th, and I was in a similar situation - metabolism slowed down for not eating, yo-yo, eating t much , etc.. - and my goal was to lose 5 lb. So far, I lost 2.8, so I think this diet is working well. I believe that your meal plan looks great, balanced and within the rules.
    I noticed the same question about the calories.. they seem to low.. but, on facebook, Haylie wrote not to count them, because the aim is not a balance with in and out, but fire the metabolism up. So it's the combination of what you eat, not how much you eat.
    As soon as I finish the 28 day I'll restart to eat my daily yogurt, and I'll restart to drink my coffee with a touch of milk, but I'll continue to follow some rules, like the rotation of the snacks, and try to eat each 3 h, ... I'll see what happens and I'll tell you!:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • mokuren101
    mokuren101 Posts: 4
    Hi! Thank you for responding! Hmm, I might just add some more veggies to up the calories a little bit, I really hope this work, I really hate these 10 extra pounds that I'm carrying around, plus I'm short, makes me look more stocky. =/ I would really love it if you can let me know how your complete 28 days are and how maintenance goes. Thanks!