Crossfit Strongman

Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
Not ready for Crossfit competitions. So I'm doing these crossfit strongman comps. Monday,Wed. and Fri. I do strongman Wods. Tues and Thurs. I do regular crossfit workouts.

Monday wod - 750 lb. tire flips and 200 lb. Atlas stone to shoulder. 3 rounds 12,9, and 6 reps of each.

Wed. wod - Tabata deadlifts with 315 lbs. total 43 reps.

I think I found my calling.


  • bigjat33
    bigjat33 Posts: 6
    Yea I just recently started doing competitions. Did a snatch + clean & jerk competition in February. I am training for a Crossfit Strongman comp in June, it will be my first. The comp is going to consist of 4 WODs;

    WOD 1: The Kazmaier

    In this WOD competitors will have 4 minutes to place 5 stones starting with the lightest down to the heaviest. Once the stones have been placed they will sprint to flip their tire size and their time will stop. Whatever time is remaining in the alotted 4 minutes can be used to gain bonus points by continuing to flip the tire. For every additional flip competitors will be credited with 0.25 points.

    WOD 2: The Deadlift

    Competitors will be given a bar and large stack of weights. At 3..2..1..GO you will have 12 minutes to find a 1RM. What ever your highest weight is at the end of 12 minutes will be your 1RM (duh).

    WOD 3: The Bench-lando

    This WOD will consist of a Stone Squat movement done at the Rob Orlando Hi Temp Comp and the good old classic … BENCH PRESS!

    This WOD is a 6 Minute amrap of the following:

    Each competitor will begin by ground to shoulder with a stone then performing squats once its on the shoulder. Once the allotted reps are hit the competitor witll then go straight to bench to complete the allotted reps.

    The AMRAP will consist of 3 rounds. If you complete all 3 rounds in the allotted time just start over! Your overall score will be based on the total number of reps

    RD 1: 15 Squats then 5 Bench Press
    RD 2: 10 Squats then 5 Bench Press
    RD 3: 5 Squats then 5 Bench Press
    If you complete...repeat...

    WOD 4: Thrilla From Manilla 50 Meter Killa

    This WOD consist of 3 movements. Farmers Walk, Yolk Carry (on your back), and Prowler Pull!!! Competitors will do each movement, in that order, for 50 meters each. The final 50 is a prowler pull. The prowler will be pulled using an attached rope. You can use the last 10 feet of the rope to pull the prowler in any fashion. In testing this WOD most did pretty good until the prowler. It will definitely separate the pack!

    This WOD will be for time. At 3..2..1..Go! You will start with your weight on the ground. Time will stop as soon as the front of the PROWLER (NOT ROPE) cross the finish line!
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    I've been doing strongman wods. This is my first week I do regular crossfit between these days or gym workout.

    1st week
    Mon. - Reps of 12,9, and 6 of each alternating with 750 lb tire flip and 225 Atlas stone to shoulder and down.
    Wed.-Tabata deadlifts with 315 lbs for reps 8 rounds.
    Fri.-Sets of 600 lb. sled push 60 ft.
    Sun.-Farmers walk with 225 lbs in each hand.

    No telling what next week will be.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    I've been doing strongman wods. This is my first week I do regular crossfit between these days or gym workout.

    1st week
    Mon. - Reps of 12,9, and 6 of each alternating with 750 lb tire flip and 225 Atlas stone to shoulder and down.
    Wed.-Tabata deadlifts with 315 lbs for reps 8 rounds.
    Fri.-Sets of 600 lb. sled push 60 ft.
    Sun.-Farmers walk with 225 lbs in each hand.

    No telling what next week will be.

    My bad, 200 lb. Atlas stone.