Is Your PCOS Weight Issue Down to an Over-Stimulated ECS?

mazzasweet Posts: 266 Member
Is Your PCOS Weight Issue Down to an Over-Stimulated ECS?
~ Christine DeZarn
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Association, Inc. (PCOSA)

Have you found you can't stop at just one cookie or potato chip? Maybe you feel compelled to eat the whole bag or more ice cream than is wise. If so, it could be because your endocannabinoid signaling system, or ECS, is being aroused.

Certain fatty foods stimulate your ECS. And when that happens, your mood is improved, you feel less stressed and your appetite for fatty foods increases. In fact, you feel almost compelled to eat more food, especially fatty foods. The result of this craving is weight gain around your middle and an overall disturbance of your energy balance.

That's not all. Over-stimulation of your ECS can increase insulin resistance and fatty liver degeneration - two disorders that are often associated with PCOS. (Note: Marijuana is also major stimulant of ECS because it contains plant substances called cannabinoids. That's why smoking a joint can spark hunger.)

In sharp contrast, inhibition of your ECS induces your body to shed weight. To avoid stimulating your ECS, cut out processed foods, which have ECS-activating omega 6 fats. The latter are too prevalent in the American diet, as opposed to the healthier omega 3 variety. And if you use cannabis, it's important that you stop.


  • nightengale7
    nightengale7 Posts: 563 Member
    Huh, so that's why I see PCOS peeps talking about cutting processed foods. I am new to this whole thing and I don't really know much about the condition yet. My doctor was supposed to call me about my blood test results yesterday, but now it won't be till tomorrow. :(
  • ladypinktulip
    ladypinktulip Posts: 75 Member
    Thanks for this post it helps explain what my problem is. I hate having PCOS by the way :sad:
  • WifeofPJ
    WifeofPJ Posts: 312
    Is Your PCOS Weight Issue Down to an Over-Stimulated ECS?
    ~ Christine DeZarn
    Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Association, Inc. (PCOSA)

    Have you found you can't stop at just one cookie or potato chip? Maybe you feel compelled to eat the whole bag or more ice cream than is wise. If so, it could be because your endocannabinoid signaling system, or ECS, is being aroused.

    Certain fatty foods stimulate your ECS. And when that happens, your mood is improved, you feel less stressed and your appetite for fatty foods increases. In fact, you feel almost compelled to eat more food, especially fatty foods. The result of this craving is weight gain around your middle and an overall disturbance of your energy balance.

    That's not all. Over-stimulation of your ECS can increase insulin resistance and fatty liver degeneration - two disorders that are often associated with PCOS. (Note: Marijuana is also major stimulant of ECS because it contains plant substances called cannabinoids. That's why smoking a joint can spark hunger.)

    In sharp contrast, inhibition of your ECS induces your body to shed weight. To avoid stimulating your ECS, cut out processed foods, which have ECS-activating omega 6 fats. The latter are too prevalent in the American diet, as opposed to the healthier omega 3 variety. And if you use cannabis, it's important that you stop.

    I have been trying to cut out processed foods ever since being diagnosed and have seen a huge difference. Thanks for sharing!
  • CharRicho
    CharRicho Posts: 389 Member
    I never really ate processed foods, but what they also seem to have is quite a bit of added sugar. Since I have cut my sugar intake WAY down (I basically eat no added sugar now, although still eat sugar that is naturally in food) I have noticed that I now crave sugary stuff WAY less. So this is interesting info. But anyone else battling to get their weight down with PCOS, if you have not yet cut out the sugar, I definitely suggest it. I just don't think that the IIFIYM plan works for us girls :(