The Gym!

amykff Posts: 80 Member
Hi all, this topic has probably been covered a million times but im new & nervous so i really want some opinions! Ive lost almost 40lbs this year and im so happy with myself i really don't want to gain it all back with pregnancy! Im 13 weeks and thrilled to be expecting my first baby :) during this year i turned into a serious gym bunny (never thought id say that haha). Ive stopped working out since i became pregnant because 1. im exhausted ALL THE TIME and 2. im really really nervous. I personally find walking boring now after becoming a confident runner so thats kind of out for me. Id love to get back on the elliptical and maybe some really light free weights....i dont want to go hard i would just like to get back to some routine when i get my energy back. My doctor has advised against running & basically just said to stick to walking/swimming. Im starting aqua aerobics next week so thats a start basically i want to know what you all consider to be safe and am i just being a nervous nelly??? id really appreciate some feedback please :) thanks in advance x


  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I lost 82 lbs after my son was born (though it took me a year) and then got pregnant again. I got into running and Spinning, and I was also exhausted early on. Running quickly became too exhausting, so I switched it up for fast walking, but my OB is also into Spinning and encouraged me to keep doing it, just lay off the sprints and keep my heart rate in check (in other words, don't go breathless).

    I ended up having harmless bleeding due to a friable cervix (basically it just had a lot of blood vessels and got easily irritated and would bleed - harmless but scary nonetheless!), so I was told to stick to walking and/or elliptical because the bike seat would irritate my cervix.

    A lot of ladies on here lift weights but do so on the advice of their doctors/midwives because there are certain considerations to keep in mind as our bodies change, but unless you've been lifting, I wouldn't start now. Light weights that don't involve your whole body (like hand weights/dumbbells) are probably fine, as are strength moves that are modified not to mess with your body (like push-ups against a counter as opposed to on the floor).

    There are some ladies here who continue to run well into their third trimesters, too.

    It's all about what you are comfortable with - if there's any discomfort, stop. Things that my OB ruled out were bouncy things, like horseback riding or trampoline jumping (not that I do either of those pretty much ever).

    Best wishes to you, and congratulations!
  • lk27
    lk27 Posts: 257 Member
    I highly recommend using the elliptical! I never really went to the gym before I got pregnant. I liked to run outside and do step classes and at home workouts like Turbo Fire and Les Mills Pump. When step became too much for me I just started walking a lot which is ok, but I felt like I still needed more. I went on vacation at 27-28 weeks and used the hotel gym every day. I would get up and go jump on the elliptical for 45 minutes. It gave me tons of energy, was easy on my joints and swollen feet and burned a lot of calories without jumping around or being too strenuous. I went to the doctor the day I got back from vacation and had not gained any weight!!! Even pre pregnancy I would always gain 5 pounds on vacation! I don't have a gym at home to go to and I really miss the elliptical! I also think the water aerobics sounds great!

    The first trimester is brutal. Now that you are entering your second tri, you should get your energy back and be able to get back to regular healthy eating. I would just listen to your body and not overdo anything. If I felt good and had energy, I would workout. If I was tired and needed to rest, I would rest.

    I'm 31 weeks now and starting to get tired again and pretty uncomfortable. Working out is getting harder and harder.
  • _ylime_
    _ylime_ Posts: 661 Member
    The first trimester is the worst! I was SO tired and sick, it was hard to get myself out of bed. But I have continued with my normal workout routine (I have the OK of my midwife and doctor). Now that I am well into the second trimester i am less tired/sick, but new discomforts have come up... so it is really just about doing your best each day based on how you feel!

    I do crossfit 2-3x per week, walk everyday and run / hike with the dogs. I still lift heavy weight, as time goes on I modify as needed and pay close attention to how I feel... if it doesn't feel good I stop... I wouldn't suggest starting a "heavy lifting" routine but if you were an avid lifter or gym bunny before you can probably keep up with most of your routine (but be 100% sure your doctor is OK with it, there are situations when it would not be Ok to do so... so at your next appt. just open up the workout discussion and see what he/she says).

    Wishing you the best! Congrats!!!!
  • Taraanne76
    Taraanne76 Posts: 111 Member
    I was told that I can keep doing everything I was already doing (lifting heavy, spin, etc) but I would think that low impact like beginner yoga, walking, swimming would be ok for you to start now. I know it's hard to get moving when you feel pukey and tired! I forced myself all this week and I do feel a world better after (until I eat lunch and nausea starts all over!).
  • MsWax
    MsWax Posts: 32 Member
    This is pregnancy #3 for me, and I've continued to work out until the end during all of them. Even if you took a break during the 1st tri, you should be able to safely continue doing anything you were doing before. The biggest thing is to listen to your body. If you can't talk, then you are working too hard.

    I teach step classes and weight lifting classes, and I will continue to do so (provided my pregnancy continues to be uncomplicated) until 37 or 38 weeks. I just listen to my body. At 26 weeks, I still use 2 risers in my step class, but do less jumping/power moves. I still lift most of the same weights, but have to make some changes as my ab/back muscles get weaker and stretched more.

    You can continue to work out safely, but let your body tell you when you need to slow down a bit.
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    The first trimester is the worst! I was SO tired and sick, it was hard to get myself out of bed. But I have continued with my normal workout routine (I have the OK of my midwife and doctor). Now that I am well into the second trimester i am less tired/sick, but new discomforts have come up... so it is really just about doing your best each day based on how you feel!

    I do crossfit 2-3x per week, walk everyday and run / hike with the dogs. I still lift heavy weight, as time goes on I modify as needed and pay close attention to how I feel... if it doesn't feel good I stop... I wouldn't suggest starting a "heavy lifting" routine but if you were an avid lifter or gym bunny before you can probably keep up with most of your routine (but be 100% sure your doctor is OK with it, there are situations when it would not be Ok to do so... so at your next appt. just open up the workout discussion and see what he/she says).

    Wishing you the best! Congrats!!!!

    Pretty much this. I am also lifting (heavy) and running, just like I did before, only slightly slower on the running and I do the elliptical sometimes instead. I still go full stop on lifting, I just have not increased weights. I also do a lot of yoga, some of which is prenatal now as the bump is in the way. I am almost 17 weeks and just now starting to modify certain moves and will likely have to find alternatives for the lifting that requires me laying on my back. My doc was fine with continuing anything I did before as long as I listen to my body. So far I have been pretty good about that.

    So far this pregnancy has been night and day from my last. I had a lot of unhealthy habits and did not workout at all then. In fact, I would say working out is one of the only times I feel like my old self, lol. Of course, always check with your doc and only do what you can comfortably. Good luck!
  • amykff
    amykff Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks so much for all of your replies :-) i feel really reassured now!! Im going to take it easy and do just a bit on the elliptical for a few sessions and see how i go from there! Thanks a million again x
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    Ugh, the first trimester was HORRIBLE. I couldn't do anything either, I was exhausted all the time and I kept getting hot and flushed just walking. Once that cleared up I was fine to go back to the gym and resume lifting heavy, I just take long breaks when I need to and don't push myself too hard. Just do as much as you can do comfortably for now and don't wear yourself out, your energy will start coming back soon and then you'll be able to do more. Good luck and congrats!
  • lmercil
    lmercil Posts: 26 Member
    I am 9 weeks and have found that going in the AM before work seems to be best. I wouldn't make it at night. I have had really bad morning sickness 24/7 but seems to be a little better after working out in the mornings. Mornings seem to be my only option. Have to go to bed really early though!

    My OB said stick with what you are doing, just tone it down. She loved that I am spinning. So I am spinning 3 days a week - traded 1 more day of spin for my normal running day. I was just really nervous about running. She also told me to keep heart rate below 150 - do not go breathless. This has been the heardest part because I like to push myself, but I find that if I keep it 130-140 I am still getting a good workout. Also need to watch the overheating. Sit by a fan if possible and lots of water.

    I am also doing BodyPump 1 day and lifting on my own 1 day. Again watch the heart rate and over heating. After 1st tri not supposed to be on your back. My BodyPump instructor has given me some alternatives and there is a lot of info on the web.

    OB also suggested I swap a spin day or two out for swimming at some point as I get further along. Easier to keep from overheating and really easy on the joints/ligaments.

    Good luck!