My DR Is Leaving

So I found out last night that my DR is leaving. I'm not sure what this is going to do with our treatment plan for getting pregnant. I have my next DR apointment on may 17th and hoping that she is still there and I'm not going to see a new DR. The plan she put in place was to be on Metformin for 6 months and if we were not pregnant by then we would go on clomid. I am just starting my 4th month on Metformin. This was the First DR who was able to tell what was wrong with me so it's frustrating that I am going to have to start over new with a new DR, and it might end up delaying having a baby even longer. I needed to talk to someone and I know you all would understand my frustration.


  • mylla013
    mylla013 Posts: 25 Member
    I completely feel you! It tooks YEARS to get diagnosed, and now, a few months after I finally was, my Dr. left and in a few weeks I have to see one of his associates instead and I have NOT heard good things about him. :(
  • WifeofPJ
    WifeofPJ Posts: 312
    I completely feel you! It tooks YEARS to get diagnosed, and now, a few months after I finally was, my Dr. left and in a few weeks I have to see one of his associates instead and I have NOT heard good things about him. :(

    I know it is not fun! I was going to ask my DR to refer me to an Endrocronoligist and I was woried how she would take it, it probably is a great time to get the referal since she will be leaving.
  • CharRicho
    CharRicho Posts: 389 Member
    That's the worst :(

    I used to have a great doctor but we moved (countries, so not really possible to keep seeing her!) and now I haven't been able to find a good one.

    Crossing my fingers for you that you get someone good for your new doc!
  • WifeofPJ
    WifeofPJ Posts: 312
    That's the worst :(

    I used to have a great doctor but we moved (countries, so not really possible to keep seeing her!) and now I haven't been able to find a good one.

    Crossing my fingers for you that you get someone good for your new doc!

    Thanks you. I hope you finally find someone good too. It's so hard to find a DR who knows and understands PCOS, that when you loose them it sucks. This DR was the first DR who didn't just say loose weight, she gave me the tools in which to do so successfully and be able to keep it off.