If anyone needs more fitness friends...

aerynth Posts: 34 Member
This past new year, I made a facebook group for accountability and motivation, and it's decently active. Everyone in there is a friend or a friend of friend, so the feel of the community is really positive and troll-free. There's no such thing as too many communities, right? :P



  • plumwd
    plumwd Posts: 161 Member
    I went a request, I'm Elke Hinze.
  • aerynth
    aerynth Posts: 34 Member
    I approved it! :)
  • wiredgtp
    wiredgtp Posts: 3 Member
    I requested also. (Chris Belliveau)
  • plumwd
    plumwd Posts: 161 Member
    He's trustworthy :) We're IRL friends.
  • nicheven
    nicheven Posts: 77 Member
    I put in a request too :D Stephanie Foults
  • wiredgtp
    wiredgtp Posts: 3 Member
    He's trustworthy :) We're IRL friends.

    I don't have any idea who you are crazy lady...... :P

    thanks for the invite.