
How is everyone progressing with their weight loss?


  • msmajesty87
    msmajesty87 Posts: 5 Member
    I didn't gain or lose this week.
  • meganlynn0103
    meganlynn0103 Posts: 251
    i am still at 232.4 as of this morning. i have to admit though i didnt do anything last week like i said i was :( but yesterday i hit the track for 40 mins and then did 50 squats. today my daughter has girl scouts so while she is in her meeting i will plan a trip to the elementary school and hit the track there. I have vowed to give up fast food for a month (starting yesterday). This will help me save calories and
  • amyconnernelson
    amyconnernelson Posts: 2 Member
    I just started MFP so I don't have any scale victories to share (yet). I had been an on & off again WW member for years. I've struggled gaining and loosing 25+ lbs over the past 10 years or so. I have just started tracking on MFP, and I really like it much better than WW. I need to lose 25lbs. As of this morning I weigh 189.1. My biggest challenge is weekends. I can do great during the week and totally blow it on the weekends. We are joining a gym on Monday, so I am hoping getting back into excersize will really help.