When the food is calling your name...

Ever have that moment, your dieting, its going great, then, there it is, gleaming in all its goodness, calling out to you, the one food item you think you know you shouldn't eat......but it wants you too. You fight the urge, you look away, but NO! it isn't leaving, then why don't you .......eat it all ready! Don't beat yourself up because you want a piece of cake, or that cheesy hamburger goodness. Have it, but just remember to serve yourself a small portion, maybe one or two bites. The point of a craving is your minds need to satisfy its self, not your stomach. So eat it, enjoy it, savor the flavors, chew slowly, but after all is said and done, walk away, give your brain time to allow its self to reset. You'll see that that craving is now gone. Weight loss is really a battle of the mind, you THINK you need to eat, but if your stomach ain't talking........or you THINK that your too tired to workout, but in reality your really just bored. Control your thoughts and you can achieve anything!