Glute Pain

Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
edited January 23 in Social Groups
Brief History: I try to get 3 runs in a week, 1 shorter faster run (<5K around 6:30 min/km), 1 steady pace (avg. 5K around 7:25 min/km) and my long slow run which I increase each week, last week was 13.5K following a 10:1 run/walk ratio (10 minutes running, 1 minute walk).

Last night was my faster run night. I did it a little bit quicker than my average, but about 10 seconds per km. I noticed though that after cooling down, and doing my stretches that I had noticeable pain in my left glute, I believe my gluteus maximus from the location of the pain. I also did a very short, very fast sprint about 10 minutes before my actual run in order to catch up to someone after my son's soccer game who had dropped something important.

I did a few more stretches, and they felt good.

As I went to bed, it was uncomfortable to even lay on that side, and the discomfort woke me up in the middle of the night.

This morning I am still sore, not stiff but have the same pain, it radiates slightly to my belt line/lower back, and minimally down the side of my leg. I don't have any knee pain. It almost feels like if I could get my hip to "pop" I would feel some relief. I have mild discomfort when I walk, or if I'm standing and happen to twist/rotate with all my weight on my left leg.

I'm curious if anyone has experience with a similar pain and if you can recommend good stretches/therapies. I'm not sure if I should be making an appointment with my physio or if I can work this out on my own.


Also, my steady run will be Friday PM, and my long slow run will be Sunday morning, so I'm hoping that I'll be able to do them.
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