Hello! Introduction!

Hello ladies!

My Name is Krysty and I am due with #1 on October 23rd!

A little bit about me...
I am a SAHW, blogger and crafter. I am really excited to connect with other Mommies-to-be!

After being told 3 years ago that I would probably never be a Mom, seeing a positive test after a year of negative tests was the last thing I expected! I then used that as an excuse to stop working out, and ate everything I had been denying myself for the last year in order to lose the nearly 40 pounds I did.

But now that I am in my 2nd Trimester I just cannot continue to do that. I am itching to get active again, and eat properly. And since I am working towards becoming a Certified personal trainer I NEED to get back at it!!

Glad to be here and to "meet" all of you!