hey, is it free??!! I might do it then. 5/11

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Hey, I had a great idea this morning...it goes along the theme with picking new music for your iPod, iPhone, CD player etc. I challenge you to pick a new app (free is best) that helps you with exercise, food, nutrition, stress management
Or if you do not have a smart phone you can use computer and Google free exercise routines or food menus. It is fun and so many
Different ideas you can get to push you inspire you and keep you motivated on life long journey.
I added an app called something runmyway...I just made that up but can't remember exact name. But cool!!!
It tells how long, distance and route I went. Cool. Online I found last week a site that gives healthy menus for the week.
Keep making things new for self...fresh!!!



  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    Great idea! I do a rotation of sorts. I am currently doing my 20 Second Fitness again and my elliptical. But two weeks prior I was doing my own made calisthenics routine. Mixing it up keeps you interested.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    The search begins.... let's see what I can find online today.....
  • lioness0806
    lioness0806 Posts: 115 Member
    This idea is how I found MFP
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    I just entered my lunch on the MFP app for the first time ever today. Perfect timing WW!

    Also, from what I'm told, the fitday.com app is better than the MFP one...but I'm not leaving to go there.

    Sadly, the tablet I use can't download anything good off the google.play site. It's too old. :grumble:

    But if I could, I would get:
  • goldmay
    goldmay Posts: 258 Member

    I love this website. :smile: You get a challenge every day, earn points for completing them and after a while you can switch to a different "track" where you can focus on a specific type of challenge (flexibility, mindful eating, cardio, etc.)
  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member
    I'm in! I bought the Run, Zombies 5k training app today!
  • NatashaShen
    NatashaShen Posts: 295 Member
    I book marked a new 10 minute workout yesterday, so this challenge is done! FitnessBlender on youtube is great.
  • threadlove
    threadlove Posts: 30 Member

    I love this website. :smile: You get a challenge every day, earn points for completing them and after a while you can switch to a different "track" where you can focus on a specific type of challenge (flexibility, mindful eating, cardio, etc.)

    I use Endomondo to track my exercise from my phone. Thanks for the link to this. I will go check it out.
  • NatashaShen
    NatashaShen Posts: 295 Member

    I love this website. :smile: You get a challenge every day, earn points for completing them and after a while you can switch to a different "track" where you can focus on a specific type of challenge (flexibility, mindful eating, cardio, etc.)

    Just signed up, seems neat and pretty easy. Thanks
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    I'm in! I bought the Run, Zombies 5k training app today!

    So I've been following this guy, Howietwopointzero. He did Zombies, Run! for the longest time. He's down about 130lb from when he started. It's a good motivator.
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    I'm a bit of an app junkie. I like Cardio Trainer - it can track my miles whether I run, walk or bike and tell me miles, speed, calories plus create a nice little map of the route with elevations. I like it way better than Strava or Map my Ride/Run.

    I also have an app for reminding me to drink water - yes seems a bit obessive but I do forget to drink sometimes. It's called 'Water your Body."

    I did down load a Couch to 5K app from Zen Labs for free that I haven't started. I'm not sure where to find the time just yet. If someone has one that they really love and it's free, let me know.

    I also have a HITT timer. And I enjoy that Pandora has pre-compiled play lists for exercise - lets me hear new music until I fall in love with something I really want to buy.

    I also have an ap for my BodyMedia Armband that I love - I can upload straight from my armband with a push of a button and their recent upgrade has made the phone ap even more useful. That program is why I am at MFP.

    I have used PeerTrainer (1 yr), Spark (3 weeks), Livestrong's DailyPlate (1 yr +) - Livestrong charges a monthly fee if you want to use the ap on your phone which includes ability to bar code scan your food in to your log. And I was at FatSecret for about 3 months - it too will scan your food but I didn't enjoy the site as much.

    I LOVE this site for being as friendly as Livestrong, and user responsive and for being free for my phone with a bar code scanner. I use the bar code scanner for my log LOTS and LOTS.
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    Thanks for all the postings, everyone.

    Here are a few free resources I use:


    I know MFP has a water tracker, but I've started using the free app called "Daily Water Free" on my phone. It's super-duper easy to track my water...even easier than going into MFP. :)


    Another vote for BeFiT. BeFit's "30-Day Butt Lift" is a great month-long program. I felt and saw results fairly quickly, and it was (mostly!) fun, too. Here it is:

    playlist: https://www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=PL1c41tQdiDhP7EYs3hRygN6L21Lp647Fa
    calendar: http://bit.ly/QriFSK

    TED talks are simply amazing. They represent a diversity of speakers and ideas, many of which relate to wellness and have the support of scientific research. If I need some inspiration, I can usually find it here:


    Allrecipes.com is my go-to recipe site because the user ratings and comments for each recipe are so helpful.

    Another app, called BPMonitor, is a good way for me to keep a record of my blood pressure readings:


    SuperBetter is a wellness game designed by game designer Jane McGonigal. From the website: "SuperBetter helps you achieve your health goals — or recover from an illness or injury — by increasing your personal resilience. Resilience means staying curious, optimistic and motivated even in the face of the toughest challenges." (For all the Supers in our group, you may appreciate the fact that in the game, the player creates a Super Hero identity as part of his/her goal process.)


    and McGonigal's explanation of the game and the science behind it:

  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    ...I LOVE this site for being as friendly as Livestrong, and user responsive and for being free for my phone with a bar code scanner. I use the bar code scanner for my log LOTS and LOTS.

    Yeah, the MFP barcode scanner saves so much time. :smile: