Week Two

corlas0105 Posts: 89 Member
Hello all!

Week two officially starts for me today. I am happy to report that I was under my calorie goal all last week. I drank ONLY water, and exercised 6 days last week. Even Mother's Day, I got out there and did some running. My kids made me cute gifts, so none of my eating was effected yesterday. Hubby made me a nice vegetable stir fry dinner :smile: I did have a scoop of ice cream on Saturday though. I do not feel guilty about it. I need my sweets :love:

Today was also my first weigh in. I am down 3 pounds from last week! I am happy with this and hope to keep it up throughout the remaining weeks until my move back! My goals for this week are to drink ONLY water again, 5 runs, and do my squats and push ups each morning. I am adding 5 pound weights in with my squats as well. I also want to stay under my calorie goal each day! I did it last week, I can do it again!

So, how is everyone else doing? How was your week, and what are your goals for this week? Any successes or setbacks? Hope everyone is sticking with it and seeing results.