May 13-May 17 Results & Weigh-In

mommamellymac Posts: 205 Member


Welcome back those who have come back! We are glad to have you! Happy Mother's Day to all you moms!

You guys did great last week! We have reached our group goal of losing 30lbs as a whole!

Here is your weigh-in for the next week! Weigh-in by Friday!

Start Weight:
Current Weight:
Goal Weight:

Weekly struggle: {Are you tracking? are you eating correctly? are you working out? Did you forget something?}

WEEKLY NSV: {Instead of a strength, a weekly non-scale victory. What made you squeal with delight and made you proud of you?}

GROUP CHALLENGE: Congratulations on reaching our group goal! We have lost 30! Lets amp it up to 40!

INVITE YOUR FRIENDS! Remember, we are an open group!

If you don't want to do the challenge anymore, please let me know. If you are not active after two weeks, I will remove your name from the chart. Any suggestions? Concerns? Send me a message! You can also add me to see when I post!


  • Janice0711
    Janice0711 Posts: 154 Member
    I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day! I did...I have a 6 yr old grand daughter & a 2 month old grand son & we had Baby Dedication day at church! We all went out to eat at a wonderful Mexican restaurant and sat on the patio....perfect weather!
    I at the Mexican buffet yesterday, but only got one I went to Pilates for 1 hr floor w small ball....I am committed to eating right starting today...I feel strong...

    NSV~I had a black & white jacket that I haven't worn in about 3 years.....I put it on to wear to church for Mother's Day & it was way too BIG! Thank goodness I love to sew & had my machine ready......I took up both sides seams 1 1/2 inches & 1 inch up the back....that is 4 inches overall to take up......Yeah!

    Hope everyone has a great week! Good Luck!
  • MagicFeather
    MagicFeather Posts: 27 Member
    Start Weight: 154
    last week: 145.6
    Current Weight: 144.3
    Goal Weight: 138 (end of challenge goal, UGW 130)

    Weekly struggle: as always, focusing on the positive + steering clear of chocolate and sugar when tired (which is most of the time)

    WEEKLY NSV: went shopping at lunchtime with a girlfriend. I fit into everything I pulled off the rack and chose two of the most flattering fitted frocks. I love feeling like I had the pick of the store instead of the 3 things I could fit into.

    Haven't been at this weight for nearly 15 years so I'm super psyched and think I might possibly hit my goal by the end of the challenge
  • phreekles
    phreekles Posts: 216 Member
    Start Weight: 138
    Current Weight: 129
    Goal Weight: 119

    Weekly struggle: went to a wedding over the weekend so ate and drank a little and also had a McDonalds breakfast which gave me a terrible tummy ache. Also haven't done my jillian workouts for a while.

    WEEKLY NSV: I have kept to fasting twice this week and have kept to my calorie goals the other days of the week as well as cycling to work everyday. After a couple of months of feeling down about food and losing weight I feel back on track and I have a new lease of life to continue my weight loss journey!

    On a side note - has anyone had any success with Pilates or yoga as a way of toning?
  • mommamellymac
    mommamellymac Posts: 205 Member
    I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day! I did...I have a 6 yr old grand daughter & a 2 month old grand son & we had Baby Dedication day at church! We all went out to eat at a wonderful Mexican restaurant and sat on the patio....perfect weather!
    I at the Mexican buffet yesterday, but only got one I went to Pilates for 1 hr floor w small ball....I am committed to eating right starting today...I feel strong...

    NSV~I had a black & white jacket that I haven't worn in about 3 years.....I put it on to wear to church for Mother's Day & it was way too BIG! Thank goodness I love to sew & had my machine ready......I took up both sides seams 1 1/2 inches & 1 inch up the back....that is 4 inches overall to take up......Yeah!

    Hope everyone has a great week! Good Luck!

    I had a wonderful mother's day! I'm glad to hear all about your success!
  • Janice0711
    Janice0711 Posts: 154 Member
    To Phreekles:
    I have done Pilates for 1 year now...3 times for 1 hour, almost every instructor switches from stretch band, to weights, to small ball each time~
    I have lost alot of inches and am stronger & have my flexibility and range of motion back.....highly recommend it! Luv
    Janice 0711:flowerforyou:
  • Janice0711
    Janice0711 Posts: 154 Member
    Start Weight: 180
    Current Weight: 177
    Goal Weight: 168

    Started off great this week......then went out to eat 5 days in a daughter & her new baby (my grandson) started going to Pilates with me...great! Except we have gone out to eat every day right after....ha! I didn't gain...but it is hard to "lose" eating out that much! And my BFF is looking for a job right now & she wants to go out to eat alot.....Also, I had an Ex Board meeting luncheon for my retired teachers week , I have a retirement party to go to for new retired teachers from my school...

    Looks like next week may be as daughter has a birthday & we are going out with 2 different sets of family.....maybe if I bump up the exercise....

    She goes back to work the 1st of June, so I can get serious for sure then! I may just have to start making my own fresh juice again & take it with me when we go eat...I do SO good when I do fresh juice for 3-5 days!
    Good Luck everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • Janice0711
    Janice0711 Posts: 154 Member
    Start Weight: 154
    last week: 145.6
    Current Weight: 144.3
    Goal Weight: 138 (end of challenge goal, UGW 130)

    Weekly struggle: as always, focusing on the positive + steering clear of chocolate and sugar when tired (which is most of the time)

    WEEKLY NSV: went shopping at lunchtime with a girlfriend. I fit into everything I pulled off the rack and chose two of the most flattering fitted frocks. I love feeling like I had the pick of the store instead of the 3 things I could fit into.

    Haven't been at this weight for nearly 15 years so I'm super psyched and think I might possibly hit my goal by the end of the challenge
    Awesome job with shopping! Fun! :flowerforyou:
  • Janice0711
    Janice0711 Posts: 154 Member
    Start Weight: 138
    Current Weight: 129
    Goal Weight: 119

    Weekly struggle: went to a wedding over the weekend so ate and drank a little and also had a McDonalds breakfast which gave me a terrible tummy ache. Also haven't done my jillian workouts for a while.

    WEEKLY NSV: I have kept to fasting twice this week and have kept to my calorie goals the other days of the week as well as cycling to work everyday. After a couple of months of feeling down about food and losing weight I feel back on track and I have a new lease of life to continue my weight loss journey!

    On a side note - has anyone had any success with Pilates or yoga as a way of toning?
    To Phreekles:
    I have done Pilates for 1 year now...3 times for 1 hour, almost every instructor switches from stretch band, to weights, to small ball each time~
    I have lost alot of inches and am stronger & have my flexibility and range of motion back.....highly recommend it! Luv
    Janice 0711:flowerforyou:
  • phreekles
    phreekles Posts: 216 Member
    Thanks Janice, that's encouraging to hear! I'm pretty bored of doing my strength training workouts (such as Jillian Michaels) but I love yoga and pilates so I'm think of trying it three times a week just by following videos in a bid to build up my muscle and also sort out my occasional bad back!
  • mommamellymac
    mommamellymac Posts: 205 Member
    I'm gonna wait a little longer on weigh ins :) see if we got anymore for the week!
  • RoseMay1122
    RoseMay1122 Posts: 65
    Sorry it's so late, I've not been able to access the group on my phone.

    SW: 162
    CW: 152

    I've been home for a week - still only being one pound up is fine by me. I can lose two by the end of the challenge I'm sure!

    Question - will there be another challenge after this one? Personally I hope so/would like there to be! This is the first one I've ever stuck to and it's really helped keep me feeling accountable, without major guilt if it isn't going how I want it to.

    You guys are great!
  • mommamellymac
    mommamellymac Posts: 205 Member
    Sorry it's so late, I've not been able to access the group on my phone.

    SW: 162
    CW: 152

    I've been home for a week - still only being one pound up is fine by me. I can lose two by the end of the challenge I'm sure!

    Question - will there be another challenge after this one? Personally I hope so/would like there to be! This is the first one I've ever stuck to and it's really helped keep me feeling accountable, without major guilt if it isn't going how I want it to.

    You guys are great!

    Haha I'm still thinking about it. Its been so hectic here and I haven't been as active as I had thought I was going to be. But if you guys are willing, we can do that