Running the Race with music?



  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Ignore it if you need the music. I do. I've done it over 100 times. No issues, ever. Just keep the volume low enough that you can hear ambient noises around you to help avoid any collisions, etc. (not that I've ever seen it happen).

    I have. And they were runners wearing headphones and running 3 abreast, totally unaware of what was happening around them.
    In fairness I have seen plenty of people doing this without headphones too.


    In these cases I blame the RD. Most of the time this happens when you have multiple race distances that share part of the course. For instance, you'll have the faster marathoners coming up on slower half marathoners in a shared section of the course. If that happens, it's poor planning of start times and merge areas.
  • kenleyj
    kenleyj Posts: 51 Member
    Tunes are cool if you are training, or on the Treadmill or something. But a race? Not only is it a safety issue, but it takes away from the race experience. When you get out there with all the other runners, you wont miss it. Maybe the next time you train, start using less music. If you HAVE to have music, try dancing instead? On a more serious note from personal experience, I use to be one of those runners that had to have music when I trained (not race). Once I started not listening to it, my running drastically improved. You never know, it may be slowing you down. All those extra wires around your head and all. But, if are one of the many many many runners at a race that IGNORE the rules and wishes of the RD, then go for it! In other words, Music and Races dont mix.
  • tropic_runner
    tropic_runner Posts: 31 Member
    I think I am the odd person out. I have never, even once, run with music. I can't imagine running with it! I do not want to develop a dependency on tunes to be able to run my best.

    Now my Garmin~that's a whole different story! I cannot run without that!!!:laugh:

    I totally agree... When I first started running I listened to music, but when I started to train for longer distance races I made myself keep the tunes at home to be able to train my mind to cope with long hours with nothing but being in my own head. If you are used to music it's tough at first but you soon switch and you will find that you can't run WITH music!!! I just feel like I get more of an experience being able to take everything in at races from people chatting, to the announcers, to the sound of the pitter patter of shoes on the pavement, to an encouraging cheer every now and again! Music cuts you off from all those cool race experiences!!!
  • jeda1231
    jeda1231 Posts: 63 Member
    i have run with music because I also run mapmyrun on my iphone with the music to give me mile updates on my time. I know I should probably get a watch for that but it is a good enough estimate since the time clocks at the mile markers are not "my time" (since i'm not that fast!! haha) I've heard what many are saying though - that when the mileage gets longer they prefer no headphones :) personal preference!
  • librarianjenne
    librarianjenne Posts: 66 Member
    If headphones are banned, I don't wear them. If they're allowed, I try to go as long as I can without music. It does get pretty lonely at the back of the pack, though, so I can see putting them in at mile 20, which I did at Green Bay. I then took them back out to run the last bit, around Lambeau field.

    I currently run with headphones (volume very low) because I play a zombie running game. However, I also enjoy running without.
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    I run with music but I do keep it low so that I can hear what is going on. I don't mind running over during a trial run but if you run a longer distance in a race, this sucks! I also turn the music off when a fellow runner decides to run with me (only happened once, but I welcome the company). I also turn it off when I'm coming up on an official directing... I also try to run the course before the race (although I have been slacking on this for a while)...
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    I used to run with music. In fact, I never ran without music, but when I ran my first half, I decided that I wanted the full race experience. I listened to people chat and talk the whole race. I had people talk to me..only for a few moments but it was nice to know that someone would take the time to encourage me. 9 half marathons later, I've not run with music since. I run a lot of my training runs on the C&O canal. I might take music when I start training again, because i'm out of harms way. There are no cars on the canal (but still need to listen for bikers)

    My only gripe with people and ipods during the race? The less serious people seem to just STOP to change music with no regard for the people running right behind them. I've almost collided with several runners because they didn't have the decency to get out of the way before stopping to mess with their Ipod.
  • amandamurdaugh
    amandamurdaugh Posts: 138 Member
    I run with ear buds. I keep the right one in & the left one out, tucked under my bra. I like to be able to hear the music & everything else going on around me.
  • samkelly89
    samkelly89 Posts: 198 Member
    Well, when I started this thread I was super nervous about the music issue but after reading what everyone had to say, I decided to try and run without headphones but brought them just in case.

    I ran 20 miles without music. At mile 20 I felt like dying and stopping and when I was 2 seconds from throwing in the towel, I decided to run for a song, walk for a song til the end. So I put in one bud(right) and the other tucked into my bra so I could still hear the spectators' encouraging words. I was at the very back of the pack, to the point where police men had to point me on to stay on the race course. So I was very thankful for the music at parts of it because there was hardly anyone around. But I wasn't too much in my own little world that I couldn't notice my family calling my name at the finish!! When I get faster, and more confident, I probably will just leave them at home. At the beginning of the race when I was still in the thick of everyone, I met some really awesome people!
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    Congrats on your awesome achievement of finishing the race!!!
  • DavidMartinez2
    DavidMartinez2 Posts: 840 Member
    But I wasn't too much in my own little world that I couldn't notice my family calling my name at the finish!!

    Woot for finishing your race and having family cheer you to the finish!!
  • amandamurdaugh
    amandamurdaugh Posts: 138 Member
    Congrats on finishing your race!