Really down.

jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
I've got obsessed with my BMF and counting calories so a few weeks ago I stopped it all to just eat healthily. But that's not worked either- I'm still binging

I keep changing my mind between if its more important to eat what I want or to get rid of the flab on my torso. I'm not huge which makes it harder to get motivated because all the reasons like playing with the kids or shopping in normal,size shops don't work for me as I can do that anyway- its just pure vanity.

I'm trying to focus on feeling good by not eating too much and eating healthily but I'm a target person and its just too hard to objectively monitor.


  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    Have you tried eating often? I find eating 5 or 6 meals a day tend to make me binge less. Well, I say meals, what I mean is 3 meals + 2/3 snacks. I find without them I have a large tendency to binge.

    Don't feel down! We all go there!
  • ms_leanne
    ms_leanne Posts: 523 Member
    I eat lots of snacks as well as three meals. I tend to have a low calorie breakfast as I am always hungry mid morning and have a banana and a babybel light cheese.
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    I eat lots of snacks as well as three meals. I tend to have a low calorie breakfast as I am always hungry mid morning and have a banana and a babybel light cheese.

    This is good advice. However, I follow the saying of breakfast like a king, dine like pauper. I enjoy eating much more in the morning as it sets me up for the day.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Thanks. I don't shop/plan enough so,I,dont always have good things to snack on. I need to sort this.
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    Planning is always good. I like to plan ahead, so I can 1) help my budget 2) stay within my calorie goal, and most importantly 3) so I can look forward to the meal. :)
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    I agree with the snacks often, weirdly if I don't eat breakfast I'm fine, but they say breakfast is good so I'm trying to eat breakfast and having snacks to keep me being good (though dont look at my diary... it was my birthday recently we're still working our way through the cakes! (yes I had multiple cakes.... :( ))

    Oh and its worth remembering, the body doesn't recognise thirst very quickly, often when we feel hungry were actually just dehydrated but the body hasn't figured out its water not foods we stop and drink first :) ... I often go cold drink fight hunger then a hot drink trick my body into thinking its had food for a while... not sure that thats medically recommended

    Or...Have you tried graze boxes? They have just started advertising on tv.....Healthy snacks nuts/dried fruit/rice crackers/popcorn all sorts ! 100's of options their a subscription service post you a box a week/twice a week/once a month/whenever, their £4 a time (including p+p) and have 4 snacks so really a pound a snack. Really tasty, pre measured portions. You rate things bin, try, like, love to give them indication of what you want to receive. I love them I cant afford weekly so tend just to get them on special occasions... you can order them from and if you use this code - F4Z3JLTD you get to try one for free.... but remember they are a subscription service - good so you dont have to remember to plan and buy snacks... but boo if you don't want to keep getting them you have to remember to cancel.... I kind of forgot got a box a couple weeks in a row before I remembered... its hard to remember when I really want to keep getting them lol.
    Oh con to them is I always plan to make mine last a week, but get so excited and want to try them they rarely last longer than a few days... I guess that gets easier once you've tried all the yummy ones though...

  • plantboy2
    plantboy2 Posts: 224 Member
    It's not vanity to lose the extra pounds if it makes you feel bad. You can focus on how good you'll feel once you've lost them and use that as a goal. Visualise how you will look and feel and then work to get there, each meal and workout at a time. As the aboves have said, planning your meals and your shopping is key - you need things in the house to hand when you are hungry that won't destroy your targets. I LOVE food so being disciplined is difficult, but as long as you are aware of everything that is going into your mouth you can control it and that will lead to results.
    For me:
    - Porridge, king of breakfasts
    - Fruit and nuts to snack on. You never see an overweight squirrel. Not strictly true...
    - Lots of water
    - Protein - always makes you feel full
    Hope that helps!
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Thank you all so much for your support. You're right- I need to do one day at a time.
  • Ellewijo
    Ellewijo Posts: 15 Member

    I'll jump in if I may and say have you thoughts about a complete overhaul to any approach you've tried before?

    The only reason I say this, is I have followed ever fad diet and exercise plan and gained just a couple of pounds back each time, though this has totalled me being 42lbs over my total healthy weight and living in M&S leggings and baggy jumpers to boot.

    I started the 5:2 plan 3 weeks 2 days ago and I could not deviate from this again if I tried. I have fallen off the wagon one day and succeeded the next and without so much of a tiny blip or stall, seen 9.5lbs of fat/fluid combo disappear.

    My motivation to succeed is driven even with a fridge full of food and 2 little boys whom I still eat with without guilt.

    If you want to try something different, which really can be 1 day at a time, then do try this. It really will pay dividends for just 2 low cal days per week.

    All the best to you and I hope you feel better soon!
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Thanks. I've read about this. I get migraines if I get hungry though so I'm not sure about this. Thanks anyway though.
  • _Aimée_
    _Aimée_ Posts: 190
    I find the key to not binging is making sure I don't get super hungry and satisfied by my meals and snacks. I cook things which I REALLY look forward to, I plan stuff. Coming home from uni I will feel really tired and hungry and would be tempted by something cheap and unhealthy from the shop on the way home but if I've got some great ingrediants waiting at home why would I? As well as this I do not cut anything out...I still have a bit of chocolate here, some marshmallows there, all within goal and usually after weigh day I will have a larger treat which will take me above my goal.
    I don't treat this is as a diet, I'm not restricting anything, I'm just eating things in moderation.
    I haven't binged for nearly 5 weeks now.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I find the key to not binging is making sure I don't get super hungry and satisfied by my meals and snacks. I cook things which I REALLY look forward to, I plan stuff. Coming home from uni I will feel really tired and hungry and would be tempted by something cheap and unhealthy from the shop on the way home but if I've got some great ingrediants waiting at home why would I? As well as this I do not cut anything out...I still have a bit of chocolate here, some marshmallows there, all within goal and usually after weigh day I will have a larger treat which will take me above my goal.
    I don't treat this is as a diet, I'm not restricting anything, I'm just eating things in moderation.
    I haven't binged for nearly 5 weeks now.

    Well done. I'm not very good at moderation- I'm an all or nothing person. I need to give that a proper try. Thanks.