What to play next?



  • sidewinder76
    sidewinder76 Posts: 287
    Sims 3 is fun for awhile, also arma 3 is in alpha....love testing it, can't wait for final release. Oh and tomb raider was kick *kitten*, lots of cut scenes and back story. Looks phenomenal
  • HammerIntoAnvil
    HammerIntoAnvil Posts: 4 Member
    Hmm... I think I know what you might be looking for, luckily.

    You might try downloading Steam and looking under their 'Indie Game' Category. They don't contain a TON of replay value, but a lot of those games are of amazing quality!

    Here's one you might enjoy for a little bit. =]

    -Don't Starve: Simplistic in nature (title describes it), but very, very well done for a single player game! Also, just because it's single player game doesn't mean you and your friends can't all play it at the same time and share experiences; that's what we did and it was a crap ton of fun... particularly when your buddies start to freak out over dying!


    This man know what he's talking about. I'd add FTL: Faster Then Light as a good starting point.

    But yeah, get out of MMOs. You feel so much better having broken them.
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    DayZ has been my new crack. A MMO zombie survival game. I think what so amazing about this game is you die in the game. Like if you die, you lose everything. You potentially could run back to your body and pick up everything, but if you were killed by someone else, all your stuff is probably gone.

    You constantly have to worry if you have enough food, drink, are warm enough, have enough ammo, etc to stay alive. If you want, look up FrankiePCin1080p for his dayz videos (start at episode 1). Watch 2 of them, youll be convinced.

    Also there is no subscription fee
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    I started playing Guild Wars 2 when I quit WoW. GW2 is less commitment and you don't have to wait on groups since the gameplay allows you to team up with random players (you can help people with their quests/jointly do quests without exp loss and you don't even have to actively be in a group with them, just close proximity) so you never have to worry about stolen quest objectives, etc, the exception being gathering quests but those are always kind of annoying. The graphics are beautiful, no subscription fee, and the character creation is fun :) I'd highly recommend it!