slowly but surely

icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
Slowly but surely I'm getting back into my routine and coming out of a month-long depression/ptsd episode caused by some internal pelvic medical tests (thankfully, everything is fine). A month of comfort-eating and I gained 10 pounds. I'm hoping some of it is water. Going to the gym or swimming feels too intimidating right now - maybe later in the week. The weather has finally cleared up so I'm planning a walk outside on a bike & hike trail this evening.

Sometimes I think only survivors can understand.

Baby steps back into living life again.


  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Baby steps always lead to larger steps. Congrats on making your way out of your episode. They're tough to get through. And, yes, I bet some of that 10lbs is water weight.
  • rachellosesitall85
    rachellosesitall85 Posts: 497 Member
    Hey ladies, I'm just coming out of a funk too! We can do this!
  • 9thChakra
    9thChakra Posts: 141 Member
    Thank you for posting this. Even reading it months later helps me feel better. I'm in what I hope is a short funk right now. I understand.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    Well...after the initial posting I sort of crashed again. I got into a place where I just didn't care and it was all I could do to get out of bed and go to work. Truth be told, the whole thing started in late Feb/early March with some medical testing, then a bunch of dental work, and a lot of changes at work (and not good changes).

    I'm pretty much back to normal now though and getting back into my routine. I'm getting back into the mindset of doing some sort of intentional exercise most days of the week and eating much cleaner and much healthier.

    Reminder to self:
