I'm a "weekender"
Posts: 8
HI, My name is Dana. I'm 46yo, have two boys (21, 17), have spent my entire adult years (20 – 46years) carrying around that extra 15-20. It's "not enough" to say I look "fat", but it's "too much" for me to say that I FEEL GOOD about myself…that I LOOK good (sexy)…
Thus, the fat journey. I was never good enough, didn't measure up. I grew up with a mother that NEVER complimented me, never made me feel good about myself, etc. So what did I do for attention? looked it for in all the wrong place. Good married at freaking 19 years of freaking age.. (WTF!?!?) and worse thing about that? I DIDN'T "HAVE" TO GET MARRIED. I wanted to...so that I could be "independent" from my mom. WHY didn't I leave and start out on my own? Because I didn't know I COULD! Because I didn't learn that I had options. Sad, but true. So enough of this freaking pity parade.
My current Fact is, I'm at the happiest place in my life than I have EVER been before. And even better still? That I know life is just going to get happier and happier. At this stage in my life/fat journey, I am learning what serenity is....in addition to yoga benefits and clean eating (which is...oddly enough...more freaking expensive than "food substance"!!!)
I’ve always been a “dieter”…and part of my earlier journey led me to being working out consistently. That habit continued… Which made it easier to “keep it off”. But also meant, work-out hard, eat hard. And the “weekender” started…
At this stage (and for the past several years), I am really pretty clean during the week. But come Friday night…Watch out! Eating out at least twice during the weekend, eating desserts “because we deserve it”, and rarely working out during the weekend. It’s crazzzy! I eat like a really thin/lean person Mon-Fri , and then eat like a really happy obese person the entire weekend. It’s been 1 step forward, 2 steps back my whole life!
I’m starting to move consistently forward now….I’ve lost some weight “the right way” (ie, clean eating, working out consistently). I don’t see myself putting it back on, like I’ve done sooooo many times in the past. But weekends are still the toughest…
Long story short, I’m here to get some encouragement, and (hopefully) give some sincere encouragement, to you other weekenders….in all shapes and sizes. Who’s with me?
Thus, the fat journey. I was never good enough, didn't measure up. I grew up with a mother that NEVER complimented me, never made me feel good about myself, etc. So what did I do for attention? looked it for in all the wrong place. Good married at freaking 19 years of freaking age.. (WTF!?!?) and worse thing about that? I DIDN'T "HAVE" TO GET MARRIED. I wanted to...so that I could be "independent" from my mom. WHY didn't I leave and start out on my own? Because I didn't know I COULD! Because I didn't learn that I had options. Sad, but true. So enough of this freaking pity parade.
My current Fact is, I'm at the happiest place in my life than I have EVER been before. And even better still? That I know life is just going to get happier and happier. At this stage in my life/fat journey, I am learning what serenity is....in addition to yoga benefits and clean eating (which is...oddly enough...more freaking expensive than "food substance"!!!)
I’ve always been a “dieter”…and part of my earlier journey led me to being working out consistently. That habit continued… Which made it easier to “keep it off”. But also meant, work-out hard, eat hard. And the “weekender” started…
At this stage (and for the past several years), I am really pretty clean during the week. But come Friday night…Watch out! Eating out at least twice during the weekend, eating desserts “because we deserve it”, and rarely working out during the weekend. It’s crazzzy! I eat like a really thin/lean person Mon-Fri , and then eat like a really happy obese person the entire weekend. It’s been 1 step forward, 2 steps back my whole life!
I’m starting to move consistently forward now….I’ve lost some weight “the right way” (ie, clean eating, working out consistently). I don’t see myself putting it back on, like I’ve done sooooo many times in the past. But weekends are still the toughest…
Long story short, I’m here to get some encouragement, and (hopefully) give some sincere encouragement, to you other weekenders….in all shapes and sizes. Who’s with me?