I'm new here...

Hello ladies. I am new to this group. I joined because I am appalled at the amount of weight I've gained so far (I'm 17+1 today) and absolutely have to get it under control. I'm hoping I can keep myself to gaining 10 or less pounds for the rest of the pregnancy because I'm almost at the limit for recommended weight gain for the whole pregnancy. I started this pregnancy about 60lbs lighter than I was the last time I got pregnant and I just want to cry because I feel like all of my hard work is just slipping away. I have been eating pretty poorly if I am being honest with myself and I have stopped exercising completely but want to start up again. I just need a place to talk about it I guess and try to get this under control before I end up putting on any more unnecessary weight.


  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Hi hnsmith23! All are welcome here. So why did you stop exercising? Eating the wrong stuff is too easy to do, but just as easy to put right. You've just got to plan ahead a little and think about what you should be buying and eating and that's solved! So what's your due date? And is this your second pregnancy? And do you know what you're having or do you plan to find out at all?
  • jaylas_mom21
    jaylas_mom21 Posts: 311 Member
    Welcome to the group and congrats on your pregnancy! I plan to continue to log throughout the rest of my pregnancy so I will hopefully gain a healthy amount of weight. You can do it! Just make sure you log your calories.
  • hnsmith23
    hnsmith23 Posts: 3
    This is my second pregnancy. I am due Oct 22. I was thinking about it last night and I haven't been eating all that differently than I did with my daughter but then it occurred to me that I was much heavier when I started my pregnancy with her so the amount of calories I needed to maintain my weight back then was much higher than it was this time. So instead of eating to maintain and gain a healthy amount of baby weight I've been eating like I'm 60 lbs heavier and thus have been doing a swell job of making myself 60 lbs heavier (luckily I realized it before that actually happened...but damage has already been done). It's almost like, I've been dieting for so long that when I got pregnant something in my brain just snapped and it was like, hooray...freedom!! Should've seen that coming I suppose. We suspect it's a boy (as does the doctor) but won't know for sure until the 31st. :)
  • hnsmith23
    hnsmith23 Posts: 3
    Oh, I forgot to answer why I stopped exercising. I was so exhausted for pretty much my entire first trimester that I could barely keep my eyes open and I have an active 3 1/2 year old that sucked up all the energy I managed to scrape together. Exercise was not something I could even imagine doing with as completely wiped out as I was. I am feeling a lot better and took a great long but fast paced walk last night with my husband (who is trying to lose weight right now) and plan on doing that most evenings now. I was very active and health conscious up until like the day I found out I was pregnant. I don't know how else to explain it. My exercise was already tapering off before I got my BFP because I was already so tired (I suspected I was pregnant because of the exhaustion) but it just got worse after that. Regardless, things have to and are changing now so...I guess I have to just accept what I did to myself and try to keep the damage to what has already been done and no more :)